
There are 8 repositories under asp-dotnet-core topic.

  • aliyasindogan/Currency

    Merkez Bankasından ASP.NET Core 6.0 MVC ile USD döviz kuru bilgisinin alınması

  • davewalker5/DroneFlightLog

    SQLite-based drone flight logbook implemented in C# with separate REST API and ASP.NET MVC UI

  • davewalker5/FlightRecorder

    SQLite-based aircraft sightings logbook implemented in C# with separate REST API and ASP.NET MVC UI

  • NobleOsinachi/ForecastBuddy

    The Weather Forecast App is a C# application that fetches weather data from an API and displays it to users. It provides accurate weather information for specified locations, helping users plan their activities accordingly.

  • johannesjakobsson/Filmstudion

    I denna skoluppgift ska jag skapa en webbapplikation riktad till föreningar som är anslutna till Sveriges Förenade Filmstudios (SFF) där man via ett API och klientgränssnitt kan boka/beställa filmer till sin förening. Mer information i

  • RonjaCodesDotNet/EncryptionWebApp

    Simple "encryption" web application. Hobby project.

  • shnartho/MobileShop

    eCommerce website using C#

  • p-miano/HollywoodStarsV2

    Web application designed for managing movies and their associated production companies. Built using ASP.NET Core MVC and Entity Framework, this project offers comprehensive features for adding, updating, and managing movies and companies, including many-to-many relationships between them.
