
There are 14 repositories under atatus topic.

  • HerRA17/meet

    Meet App allows users to find events in different cities (the number of events can be changed, as well cities displayed can vary or be a specific one).

  • lillapulay/meetup

    Meetup app built with React.

  • jessinmacdon/meet

    Meet is a React Application was created following a test-driven development (TDD) process. The main goal of the application is to utilise test-driven development to build a serverless, progressive web application (PWA). The application uses the google calendar API to fetch and display upcoming events to the user.

  • JSlusark/meet

    React app for a meetup website which allows users to load and filter through Career's foundry events for aspiring web developers.

  • PlaidPeacoat/Meet-App

    Meet App allows users to search for a city and get a list of events hosted in that city (or events in all cities).

  • stix2you/meet

    eet App is a serverless, progressive web app, which is an electronic bulleton board for events in cities around the globe. It allows users to get information about upcoming events in any city, and to filter the results by city or keyword.

  • ambabasly/meet2

    Meet is a serverless PWA using Create React App that can display and filter meetup events from the Google calender API. It is developed using Test-Drive-Development techniques to ensure a high test coverage rate.

  • atatus/atatus-php-ansible-role

    Ansible role to install the Atatus PHP Agent

  • atatus/cloudflare-atatus

    Cloudflare Atatus Integration which adds the atatus snippet to your site

  • atatus/incident-response-plan

    Atatus Incident Response Plan

  • atatus/koa-atatus

    Koa middleware to allow Atatus monitor Koa applications

  • atatus/koa-legacy-atatus

    Koa middleware to allow Atatus monitor Koa 1.x applications

  • EJQuezada/Meet-Application

    React based Meet Application

  • Joolanda/meet

    Meet application is a serverless progressive web application (PWA) build with React.
