
There are 7 repositories under aura-helper topic.

  • JJLongoria/aura-helper

    Repository for manage the development of Aura Helper VSCode Extension

  • JJLongoria/aura-helper-cli-manager

    Repository to store and manage code to Aura Helper CLI Manager module.

  • JJLongoria/aura-helper-metadata-factory

    Repository to store and manage the Aura Helper Metadata Factory Module. Aura Helper Metadata Factory is a library to create Aura Helper Metadata types from SFDX Responses, Local Project or other data sources

  • JJLongoria/aura-helper-connector

    Repository to storage and manage the code for the Aura Helper XML Connector library. This library are used in Aura Helper Extension and Aura Helper and can help to other developers to connect with Saleforce. Can list and describe all Metadata Types, list and describe all SObjects, Create Projects, Convert Projects from SFDX to Metadata API and Viceversa... and more

  • JJLongoria/aura-helper-core

    Repository to storage and manage the code for the Core Libraries. Core libraries for Aura Helper CLI, Aura Helper Extension and the rest of @ah libraries. Contain Util classes, Aura Helper Datatypes, Process Manages and Utils values

  • JJLongoria/aura-helper-ignore

    Repository to storage and manage code for Aura Helper Ignore Module. This is an util module to ignore metadata from a JSON metadata file or from your Salesforce Project. Is used by the Package Generator Module to ignore metadata when create the packages

  • JJLongoria/aura-helper-package-generator

    Repository to storage and manage the code for Aura Helper Package Generator Module. This repository has an util class to create and merge package and destructive files.
