
There are 10 repositories under auto-prefixer topic.

  • finmavis/webpack-4-boilerplate

    Webpack 4 Boilerplate with Babel, SASS or SCSS, browser autoprefix, and optimization using gzip and brotli for Production

  • sinups/frontend-kit

    Стартовый проект frontend-kit для быстрой сборки фронтенда

  • KaushikShivam/showTracker

    ShowTracker is a professional, flat and modern template to track your shows. With ShowTracker you can track your favorite TV shows automatically, so you never loose track of your TV shows ever again. 🍿

  • tonix-tuft/tonix-html-autoprefixer

    Autoprefix all CSS inside an html page - CSS inside style tags and inside style attributes.

  • GargArihant/airbnb_clone

    A full mern-stack airbnb clone, with user login and authentication, functionality to check listed places and add places, with pics and features.

  • Khazri71/Fire-Movie

    Fire Movie : is a Responsive Website to Search, Add Movies To Watch, Watched or Delete Movies. Built with React.js and CSS3. I used Context API, React hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext), JavaScript methods (Map and Filter), LocalStorage, and the Axios library to fetch data from the OMDB API.

  • MennaRamadan/Natours

    Udemy: Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!

  • Petsamuel/Bieefilled

    my portfolio website

  • tonix-tuft/tonix-gulp-html-autoprefixer

    Gulp plugin to Autoprefix all CSS inside an html page - CSS inside style tags and inside style attributes. Uses html-autoprefixer under the hood.

  • Zenitude/ecoleWeb-tailwindcss-landingpage

    Ecole du Web - TailwindCss - Landing Page
