
There are 5 repositories under autodownloader topic.

  • btargac/excel-parser-processor

    Automate downloads from Excel files in seconds. Simply does the tedious, repetitive operations for rows of Excel files and reports the results. It downloads files from URL(s) in column A, if a new filename is provided at column B it will rename before saving. It will even create sub folders if column C is filled with a valid folder name.

  • MaryamBoneh/Downloader

    Auto Image Downloader

  • Nicconike/test-automatedgo

    Testing the functionalities of AutomatedGo Go package

  • Sidheshwarj2001/WebLauncher

    Web Launcher is used to find the url in the any text file and open that urls in web browser and Auto downloader Apllication is used to donwload any img or file from any website that your want to .

  • spambi/horriblesubsrssparser

    will auto find magnet links from horrible subs
