
There are 10 repositories under azure-functions-python topic.

  • aztraphile


    mature Python Azure Function App in 8 lines of config <⚡>

  • alfonsof/azure-python-examples

    Python examples on Microsoft Azure. How to manage Virtual Machines instances, Blob Storage, Azure Functions, etc.

  • Azure-EventGrid-Publisher-Subscriber-Azure-Functions-Demo


    In this project, we will create an Event Grid Topic in Azure for a publish-subscribe demo. Our subscriber will be an Azure function that is triggered by an event published to the Event Grid Topic. We will create the Azure function app, subscribe to our Event Grid Topic, and then demo it in action. We will use Postman to set up a POST request to our Event Grid Topic public endpoint that has authentication, version parameter, and the correct JSON body format. After we send the request, we will take a look in the Azure portal to verify the activity and that our subscriber function received and processed the event.

  • Santhoshkumard11/azure-word-cloud-web_app

    This is a simple project to demonstrate the power of Azure

  • sfoteini/custom-vision-azure-functions

    Source code for the learning series "Serverless image classification with Azure Functions and Custom Vision". Published on my blog.

  • ubuntu/azure-resource-reaper

    Time-triggered Azure function that deletes resources older than their declared lifetime

  • easonlai/azure_function_python_sample_01

    Azure Function (Python) sample to call API, comparing previously state and send alert message over WhatsApp via Twilio.

  • eavanvalkenburg/azuresearch-python-customskill

    Sample custom skill for doing a lookup to a category for a term.

  • fabriziomiano/covid-functions

    Azure function to retrieve Italian-outbreak COVID data

  • hvalfangst/Azure-Function-ETL-using-Pandas-with-CICD

    Azure Functions for ETL operations using Pandas. Uploaded CSV files trigger data processing, calculating correlations and storing results in a JSON file. Automated deployment via GitHub Actions and Terraform streamlines project setup and maintenance.
