
There are 40 repositories under azuredatabricks topic.

  • Azure/AzureDatabricksBestPractices

    Version 1 of Technical Best Practices of Azure Databricks based on real world Customer and Technical SME inputs

  • yokawasa/databricks-notebooks

    Collection of Sample Databricks Spark Notebooks ( mostly for Azure Databricks )

    Language:Jupyter Notebook809071
  • Abhi0323/End-to-End-Employee-Churn-Prediction-with-Azure-Databricks

    Developed an end-to-end machine learning solution for predicting employee churn using Azure Databricks, leveraging Spark for data processing, MLflow for managing the ML workflow, and deploying the model using Databricks model serving.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7105
  • Mimetis/ProjectY

    Project Y is a straightforward Landing Zones automated deployment tool dedicated to data processing.

  • DucAnhNTT/movie-recom-pipeline-azure

    Build a movie recommendation data pipeline using Azure services for efficient data ingestion, transformation, and orchestration. Utilize Azure Blob Storage, Azure Databricks, and Azure Data Factory to implement collaborative filtering and PySpark ML for accurate movie recommendations.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6101
  • mehroosali/databricks-F1-Project

    A data pipeline project build on databricks and azure to demostrate lifecycle of a cloud data project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6105
  • easonlai/Databricks_ODBC_Connection_to_Azure_SQL_DB_with_Azure_AD_User_Access_Token

    Making ODBC connection from Databricks (Azure Databricks) to Azure SQL Database with Azure AD User Access Token.

  • UcheIgbokwe/FormulaOneDataETL

    Collection of data on Formula One Racing

  • xlegend1024/azlab-text-analysis

    Sentiment Analysis for Tweets

  • yogitasn/Springboard-Capstone

    Springboard Open Ended Capstone

  • dataninsight/Fitbit_AzureStreaming

    This project exemplifies a robust Azure streaming data solution tailored for fitness data analysis, leveraging Azure's powerful ecosystem to deliver actionable insights and drive informed decisions in health and wellness management.

  • easonlai/eda_for_prudential_life_insurance_sample_data

    Notebook sample of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for Prudential Life Insurance Sample Data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • easonlai/sas_access_to_adls_databricks

    Using SAS to authenticate and access to ADLS Gen 2 from Azure Databricks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • iOS00/SynapseAnalytics_Databricks

    Practice with Azure Synapse Analytics/Databricks Pipeline

  • sairajindroju/TokyoOlympicDataAnalytics-Azure

    Ingested Tokyo Olympic data into Azure Data Lake using Azure Data Factory. Enhanced data quality with Apache Spark on Azure Databricks. Optimized SQL queries on Synapse Analytics, reducing execution time. Developed engaging Power BI dashboards, boosting user engagement creating KPI's with DAX.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Saishiyam21/ETL-Salary-Pipeline

    Personal ETL project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • SharadChoudhury/Azure_Covid19_Analysis

    Covid ETL Project using Azure Data Engineering Stack

  • Shashi42/Azure-End-to-End-Sales-Data-Analytics-Pipeline

    This project builds an End-to-End Azure Data Engineering Pipeline, performing ETL and Analytics Reporting on the AdventureWorks2022LT Database.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • alamtariq143/Body-Fat-Prediction

    An Internship Project Body Fat Estimator Deployed on Azure Cloud Platform

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0201
  • danieljosephraj/my_model_deployment

    Microsoft Internship Program: During this Internship, I have worked on projects related to some of the machine learning algorithms. And deployed the model using Microsoft Azure.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • deepanshu-yadav/stream_processing_project_s23

    This project gets data from Spotify API , ingests into kafka for streaming and processes it through spark streaming. All this is done on Azure.

  • Kelum-senaka/azure_end_to_end_data_science_project

    Azure for End to End Data Science Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • madanjatin18/Tokyo-Olympic-Data-Azure

    Implemented an end-to-end Azure data engineering solution to process Tokyo Olympics 2021 data, encompassing extraction, transformation, analytics, and visualization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Pranava02/Olympic_data_analysis

    Tokyo Olympics Data Analysis: Creating a ETL pipeline using Azure Data Factory to ingest data, transform it using Azure Databricks and querying and building reports using tools like Synapse Analytics and PowerBI

  • Azure


    Azure projects - End to End Data Engineering Project with medallion architecture using Azure Data Factory & Azure Databricks. Azure Serverless/Logical DataWarehouse using Azure Synapse Analystics to demo CETAS, Data Modeling, Incremental loading, CDC and Sql Monitoring the data processing connected to Power BI

  • tanercam/Predicting-Boston-House-Prices-by-Using-Azure-Databricks

    In this study Boston House Prices were predicted by using Azure Databricks platform. The data includes the home values of Boston in 1970's. Five of the 14 diverse variables were used for this small study. These are: CRIM - per capita crime rate by town RM - average number of rooms per dwelling TAX - full-value property-tax rate per $10,000 LSTAT - % lower status of the population MEDV - Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's The value of homes (median house values) variable was used as the label and the number of rooms, crime per capita, property tax rate, and percent of the population considered lower class variables were used as the features. Predictions were made by using linear regression. Apache Spark Notebook in Azure Databricks were used for running the codes during the analyses.

  • vigneshSs-07/Integrating_Azure_DataBricks_with_AzureMachineLearning

    This repo explains the importance of integrating azure databricks with azure machine learning. Explained in a whole easy way to accomplish it.

  • ashusolanki3010/AZURE-mfdataengineering_project

    This project creates an end-to-end data pipeline and interactive dashboard for analyzing mutual funds' performance using Microsoft Azure and Power BI. It leverages Azure Data Factory, Data Lake Storage, SQL Database, and Databricks to build a scalable, efficient pipeline, providing real-time insights and data-driven decision-making.

  • eloisjr/Azure-Data-Lake

    This project called "Building an Azure Data Lake for Bike Share Data Analytics" is an assignment from the UDACITY course "Data Engineering with Microsoft Azure".

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • gchandra10/python_sdk_dbx_demo

    Accessing Azure Databricks Platform using Databricks Python SDK

  • krthiak/data-engineer-portfolio

    This is a repository to demonstrate my details, skills, projects and to keep track of my progression in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence topics.

  • Naveen018/azure-lendingclub

    Data files for azure cloud data engineering project

  • shanukatiyar111/AzureProject1


  • Srilekha-1106/databricksProject

    Implemented Azure Databricks for real-time data processing and governance using Unity Catalog, Spark Structured Streaming, Delta Lake features, Medallion Architecture, and end-to-end CI/CD pipelines. Focused on incremental loading, compute cluster management, maintaining data quality, and creating workflows.

  • vt57299/Pyspark_Tutorial

    Pyspark Tutorial on azure databricks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10