
There are 10 repositories under backend-app topic.

  • Ali-Elshorpagi/Tawasal

    Tawasal is a social media app built using ASP.NET MVC. The app allows users to create profiles, connect with friends, share posts, and interact with content through likes and comments. The platform provides notifications to enhance user engagement and keep everyone connected.

  • MettaSurendhar/node-express-backend-template-for-intermediate

    A Node.js and Expert.js backend template tailored for intermediate developers. It provides a structured foundation, essential tools, and best practices to help you build scalable and efficient applications with ease.

  • KanzaTahreem/Hello-Rails-Backend

    It is an implementation of a connection between Ruby on Rails and React. Hello Rails Backend handles the backend API, and Hello React Frontend handles the frontend UI to display a random greeting message.

  • ShivaBollam07/GreeverBackend

    This repository contains the Backend code for the Greever platform.

  • dr-vegapunnk/BeArt

    This is a Art Selling web App based on the Django framework , this project is backend oriented but has a decent frontend too

  • DrRetro2033/Arceus

    The modern save manager and editor, with version control.

  • krisnasaputtra/note-app-api-submission

    Dicoding Subimisson - Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula

  • coll254-strath/flask_python-auth-system

    Flask backend authentication app with integrated SQL db

  • juanpablozunigahidalgo/cosecha-azul

    Fullstack. BackEnd and FrontEnd Assigment. For a Swedish consultant Company based in Stockholm. The assigment was made in Gitlab. Then migrated to github as to keep reference in my portafolio.
