
There are 12 repositories under backend-nodejs topic.

  • Mamena2020/nodemi

    Boilerplate for Nodejs. Handling routing, Rule validation, ORM, Media library, File request handling, Jwt auth, Role & Permissions, Resources, Locale, Mail, Seeder & more..

  • ojoanalogo/Mango

    » ⚡🥭 Server template (MySQL, Express, TypeScript)

  • MettaSurendhar/node-express-backend-template-for-intermediate

    A Node.js and Expert.js backend template tailored for intermediate developers. It provides a structured foundation, essential tools, and best practices to help you build scalable and efficient applications with ease.

  • MettaSurendhar/node-express-backend-template-for-beginner

    A Node.js and Express.js backend template tailored for beginner developers. It offers a structured foundation, essential tools, and best practices to help you build scalable and efficient applications with ease.

  • mundostr/coder_55605

    CODERHOUSE - COMISION 55605 2023 - Repositorio de ejercicios

  • MettaSurendhar/express-api-boilerplate

    Express API Boilerplate is for building scalable APIs with separate controllers, routes, and validation. Includes basic error handling and sample test cases.

  • satyamshorrf/Backend-Test-Node-with-SQL-

    Backend testing is crucial for identifying issues early in the development process and ensuring that the application performs reliably in a production environment.

  • Forks-projects-Github/prisma-generator

    As a community, developing prisma generators is really hard cause that's a very new concept to us so It's like knowing JS but being exposed to do ML with it for the first time and there is nothing documented about @prisma/sdk (this is done intentionally) which has a very great utilities when developing or testing prisma generators and the only way you can get started is by looking at other generators code which might be useful to get you started.

  • nestjs-api-mongoose


    Simple example Api Rest with Nestjs 9.x and Mongoose for the NestJS community 😻

  • estevam5s/codedrops-typegrahpql

    Projeto super simples desenvolvido durante um vídeo do Code/drops da @Rocketseat

  • marvelmiles/soulmater

    Soulmater is a platform that connects you with your soulmate.

  • nlw-education/ignite-conceitos-de-nodejs

    Desafios resolvidos do primeiro módulo do Ignite de Node.js
