
There are 5 repositories under balltracking topic.

  • sl3w/Color-Ball-Tracking-OpenCV

    Tracking of color balls on webcam with OpenCV library. Language: Java

  • cizodevahm/Soccer-Ball-Tracking-Machine-Learning

    In this project, we employ the YOLOv8 model for detecting a football in video frames and the Deep SORT algorithm for tracking the detected football across the frames. This combination ensures robust and real-time object detection and tracking.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • arevish/DRS-review-GUI

    Developed a DRS Review System where we can get help in giving accurate decision of out or not out looking at the replay of shots with beautiful animation.

  • dheeraj-allamaneni/Brick-Breaker-OpenCV

    Trying to use OpenCV on the classic 1986 – Arkanoid Series brick breaker game, to track the ball and perform few operations.

  • Srinjana/Ball_Detector

    This project tracks the trajectory of a Ball using OpenCV. A part of my Pyimagesearch 17 days into the deep learning program, this code tracks the trajectory of the ball.
