
There are 28 repositories under balsamiq-mockups topic.

  • waqasilyas/json-converter-bmpr

    A simple command line utility that converts a BMPR file to JSON

  • aydjay/MockupToXaml

    Convert Balsamiq mockups to Xaml

  • skedaddle


    A full stack app using TfL and Google Maps APIs for users to plan Tube journeys and see live arrival boards for all 270 stations.

  • Joknaa/NieRAutoRental

    Trying to find meaning in life; while renting some cars in the process

  • s1iqbal/mockUps

    User stories and mock up for the Desktop Note Application. Fun little project that I am currently doing using Balsamiq Mockup 3. Refer to for the application repository

  • andrewhamerly/ChasingtheGoldenHours

    As a sunset photographer, I want to see the sunset time for multiple cities with directions and weather, so I can plan my photoshoot times accordingly.

  • kwstarikanos-zz/

    Αξιολόγηση ιστοχωρου με βάση τους 10 κανόνες ευχρηστίας του Jakob Nielsen ( με αποτέλεσμα την επανασχεδίαση του σε πρωτότυπα χαμηλής πιστότητας με τη βοήθεια του Balsamiq Mockups ( και υλοποίηση του με χρήση Twitter Bootstrap και Laravel.

  • ayushgarg-ag/Breathe

    A digital healthcare solution for nurses during COVID-19

  • doniaft/Interaksi-Manusia-dan-Komputer

    Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer berisi Materi Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

  • Jade-Quinn/sign

    Milestone 2 graded project for Code Institute Diploma in Full Stack Dev.

  • jdev15/engweb1718

    Contém trabalho realizado por alunos da UMinho em Engenharia Web

  • k-chatz/

    Αξιολόγηση ιστοχωρου με βάση τους 10 κανόνες ευχρηστίας του Jakob Nielsen ( με αποτέλεσμα την επανασχεδίαση του σε πρωτότυπα χαμηλής πιστότητας με τη βοήθεια του Balsamiq Mockups ( και υλοποίηση του με χρήση Twitter Bootstrap και Laravel.

  • KaryRQ/SSTC

    SAVE SAVE THE CHILDREN Está es una propuesta para Save the children para mejorar su landing page de donación para que haya mayor número de conversión de visitantes a donadores recurrentes

  • MariaDAH/bGreen

    This is the Stream1 project for fullstack developer course. Last changes in trunk branch

  • maryum820661/Balsamiq-Wireframe

    Wireframe of Career Counsiling App build using Balsamiq.

  • mbofos01/MentalHealthSystem

    A full-stack project, with a central server and four clients written in Java.

  • MinxuanHu/AppBundle-Product-Design-Business-Analysis

    A complete product design process: Continuously updated

  • oriane212/personalized-language-learning

    Case study for mobile app design

  • philip-mathew/International-Tourist-Database-India

    International Tourist Database for India to solve issue of data duplication

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • quicklygabbing/mockups

    Different mockups for development

  • waqasilyas/bmpr-beyond-compare

    A plugin for Beyond Compare that adds a file format for comparing Balsamiq "bmpr" mockup files by converting them into JOSN format

  • 8bril/viajandoando

    Viajandonado es una oportunidad para los viajeros frecuentes de registrar sus viajes previos y así las compañías camioneras que utilizan les devuelvan en plan de lealtad un cumulo de puntos para que sigan viajando.

  • AlexDCraig/animal-saver

    Design and technical documents for an app idea called AnimalSaver. My team and I wrote these in order to satisfy the requirements of a Usability Engineering course at OSU, where we learned about human computer interaction and how to research, design, and evaluate user interfaces.

  • brandonruizmora/Curso_Front-end_Launch_X

    Repositorio del curso Misión Front-end launch X

  • KarenCelis/Web-Programming

    Curso BICTIA programación en la web

  • lenlag/Projet-fil-Rouge-MecaAfpa

    Garage management application : use cases, state transition, balsamiq model