
There are 8 repositories under baum1810 topic.

  • baum1810/batchobfuscator

    batch obfuscator

  • baum1810/afkearn

    this is a smal project i created (its a robux gen website)

  • baum1810/roblox-friends

    sends roblox friend requests

  • baum1810/minecraft-checker

    This Project checks if a minecraft account is a nfa/sfa account or invalid it also says you if the ip you are using is shadow banned from minecraft (shadow bann is if you send too many login attempts to minecraft then minecraft will say that every account is invalid even if it is valid)

  • baum1810/vmdetection

    This is a little project to detect if the programm is running in a virtual machine (coded in batch)

  • baum1810/anonxss

    this is a xss exploit for the popular filehoster anonfiles its been around for some while but i have edit it a bit

  • baum1810/bat-rat

    a simple rat which uses an api to connect the reverse shell (no port forwarding needed) it is also fud may change in the future

  • baum1810/github-visit-botter

    this is a smal project i created for botting the profile view count at your github profile
