
There are 10 repositories under bcry topic.

  • asungur/trend_check

    Trend Check uses Twitter API to retrieve trends in the UK.

  • primofin/ecommerce-app-server

    A well-designed MERN(MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) Stack Application E-Commerce website in clothing fashion inspired by Reserved.

  • roshan-raj/Trainee-Management-System

    MERN Stack Application | Live Demo Here =>

  • ahmadzafarjs/play-backend-nodejs

    This repository implements the backend functionalities for a video upload platform similar to YouTube, built with Node.js and MongoDB. Including Auth

  • ShofiqulShuvo/MERN-Chat_App

  • 07-Mayankraj/TaskBuddy

    TaskBuddy is a Node.js app that simplifies task management for individuals and teams. It offers a user-friendly interface to create, assign, and track tasks. With features like due dates, priorities, and progress tracking, TaskBuddy ensures efficient collaboration and productivity. It's the perfect tool to stay organized and meet project deadlines.

  • 0AvinashMohanDev1/URL_shorter

    This project is a URL shortener with user authentication capabilities. It allows users to shorten long URLs and store them securely. Users can register, log in, and manage their shortened URLs.

  • Ankitkm95/todofullstack

    This is a Task application where you can add a task with title and description after login to the website only, and after that you can see all the added task but you can update or delete only your task not others task.


    This GitHub repository contains the code and resources for three web development internship tasks: Web-based Calculator, To-Do List Web Application, and Personal Blog Website.

  • kunal8987/xcelore-upgraded-waddle

    The User Management API allows you to manage user accounts within your application. You can perform actions such as creating new users, updating user profiles, and deactivating or deleting accounts
