
There are 27 repositories under behavioral-sciences topic.

  • apache/flagon-useralejs

    Apache Flagon UserALE is a comprehensive, thin-client behavioral logging tool

  • apache/flagon

    Apache Flagon is a suite of comprehensive, thin-client behavioral logging tools

  • cc-ai/kdb

    AI can help Visualizing the Impacts of Climate Change. This is an open forum to share our work

  • terracotta-education/terracotta

    Terracotta (a portmanteau of Tool for Education Research with RAndomized COnTrolled TriAls) is a plug-in to the learning management system that allows the contents of online assignments to be differentiated for experimental treatment variations, and to be assigned randomly to different groups of students. Terracotta also enables privacy protections for student participants, such as informed consent that is hidden from the teacher, filtering of non-consenting participants from result summaries and data exports, and removal of student identifiers from these exports. Terracotta's goal is to lower the technical and methodological barriers to conducting more rigorous and responsible education research.

  • apache/flagon-distill

    Apache Flagon Distill is a python package to support and analyze Flagon UserAle.js logs

  • Munroe-Meyer-Institute-VR-Laboratory/cometrics

    Clinical tool for coregistration of frequency and duration based behavior, physiological signals, and video data. Session tracking features streamline multi-session clinical data recording.

  • reiver/evolution-and-behavior-reading-list

    A list of what was read and discussed, over the years, for the Evolution And Behavior reading group.

  • Manolomon/uvehavior-desktop

    Behavioral Observation Software

  • marcozanotti/dispositionEffect

    R Package to perform behavioral analysis on financial data.

  • monoklabs/Econ-Puzzle-Experiment

    A system used to implement a gender bias, credit attribution experiment at the Harvard Decision Science Laboratory

  • NeuroBAU/resources

    Scripts, code, and resources for behavioral neuroscience. Please note that the main website can only be accessed by users internal to the UNIL network.

    Language:ImageJ Macro3100
  • reiver/reiver-lexical-hypothesis

    Research on The Lexical Hypothesis of human personality.

  • behavior-in-the-wild/

    Our aim is to explore the Behavior Modality. This involves explaining, predicting, and optimizing human behavior in the real world, especially from the context of marketing, advertising, and computational social science. Applications include targeting, personalization, recommendation, marketing content generation, etc.

  • fnokeke/BeehiveApp-Android

    Companion Android app for Beehive, a Behavior Change Framework for study human behaviors in real-world settings.

  • JacobChesslo/behaviorpy

    BehaviorPy is an open-source software for the behavioral sciences.

  • BetterSelf


    Python / Django eHealth web app for behavior change programs

  • prdeepakbabu/selfplay

    Selfplay is a Python framework designed for simulating role-based dialogues using chatbot interactions. It provides a flexible environment for creating and testing conversational scenarios, making it ideal for research, training, and interactive applications. With built-in templates for various role-play situations, Selfplay helps automate dialogue

  • spluque/scikit-diveMove

    Python interface to R package `diveMove`

  • yamanksingla/PhD-thesis

    Yaman K Singla's PhD Thesis: Behavior As A Modality

  • behaverse/ website

  • m-guseva/RANDECOD_fMRI_study

    This repository contains the analysis code and behavioral dataset from our fMRI study investigating the neural correlates of human randomization.

  • MartinStokroos/ezResponseBox

    Open source response box for 1-8 buttons, based on the Raspberry-Pi Pico.

  • DotMotionExperiment


    A Python-based experiment built using PsychoPy for studying decision-making, confidence assessment, and response accuracy under varying conditions of visual dot motion coherence.

  • juanroesel/lstm-model-founding-teams

    An LSTM Neural Network applied to conduct experimental testing on theoretical research in founding team formation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • SilvioMJZ/SilvioMJZ_DataSciPortfolio

    This repository includes my latest publicly available projects in the realms of Data Science and Economics and Behavioral Science research.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10