
There are 7 repositories under bias-finder topic.

  • Trusted-AI/AIF360

    A comprehensive set of fairness metrics for datasets and machine learning models, explanations for these metrics, and algorithms to mitigate bias in datasets and models.

  • ResponsiblyAI/responsibly

    Toolkit for Auditing and Mitigating Bias and Fairness of Machine Learning Systems 🔎🤖🧰

  • TheUnlocked/Bias-Finder

    Chrome extension to show you the bias of websites you travel to.

  • melisale17/beautiful-data-

    Find here the analysis of the data for the experiment when an unconscious preference is happening in real time

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7202
  • itsmesatwik/Partial

    Using open source NLP apis and sentiment analysis to create a bias detection web extension.

  • barcoopensource/vivaldy-ai-analysis-dashboard

    The Vivaldy (VerIfication and Validation of Ai-enabLeD sYstems) analysis tool and dashboard allows for automated subgroup performance analysis for AI algorithms.

  • Pranavkhade/GOFindBias

    The current main function of this project is to help people with .gaf file analysis.
