
There are 34 repositories under bird-species-classification topic.

  • johnmartinsson/bird-species-classification

    Using convolutional neural networks to build and train a bird species classifier on bird song data with corresponding species labels.

  • AKASH2907/bird_species_classification

    Supervised Classification of bird species :bird: in high resolution images, especially for, Himalayan birds, having diverse species with fairly low amount of labelled data [ICVGIPW'18]

  • wimlds-trojmiasto/birds

    Polish bird species recognition - Bird song analysis and classification with MFCC and CNNs. Trained on EfficientNets with final score 0.88 AUC. Women in Machine Learning & Data Science project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook496529
  • davipatti/birdbrain

    Code for searching the bird sound database, and training a machine learning model to classify birds according to their sounds.

  • aniket03/self_supervised_bird_classification

    Explores jigsaw puzzles solvinig as pre-text task for fine grained classification for bird species identification (Implemented with pyTorch)

  • UCSD-E4E/PyHa

    A repo designed to convert audio-based "weak" labels to "strong" intraclip labels. Provides a pipeline to compare automated moment-to-moment labels to human labels. Methods range from DSP based foreground-background separation, cross-correlation based template matching, as well as bird presence sound event detection deep learning models!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16119010
  • mcguirepr89/BirdNET-system

    BirdNET as a systemd service with other features.

  • nripstein/What-Bird-is-That

    Computer vision website which recognizes and provides information about birds in user-uploaded photos.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9203
  • Moddy2024/Bird-Classification

    ResNet-34 Model trained from scratch to classify 450 different species of birds with 98.6% accuracy.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8101
  • zahan97/Bird-Species-Classification

    Classifies a bird's species using a neural network in tensorflow..

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8202
  • birdsiitmandi/birds_image_classification

    Fine-grained species classification

  • kahst/BirdNET-Demo

    Source code for BMBF InnoTruck demo of BirdNET.

  • LaurentVeyssier/Bird_Classifier_Tensorflow_Colab_Notebook

    Bird Classifier developped in tensorflow using pre-trained model from Tensorflow Hub and running on Google Colab

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6103
  • djl70/cv-bird-id

    Code used for my final project in Computer Vision at Texas State University, Spring 2019

  • liuvince/mva-bird-recognition

    MVA - Kaggle Challenge - Bird Image Recognition

  • NazarioR9/Fowl-Escapades-Solution

    Southern African Bird Call Audio Identification Challenge

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4202
  • openavian/Bird-Sound-Recognition-with-Deep-Learning

    Signature Work @ DKU: Large Scale Bird Sound Recognition in China Region

  • Bobo100/BirdSoundRecognize

    Bird Sound Recognize

  • kbrose/chorus

    Determine the :bird: from its :musical_note:

  • dhuy228/bird_recognition

    Experiment testing the feasibility of individual bird recognition from audio recordings

  • gopiashokan/Bird-Sound-Classification-using-Deep-Learning

    Engineered a robust deep learning model using Convolutional Neural Networks and TensorFlow to classify 114 bird species based on audio recordings. Model achieved an impressive accuracy of 93.4%, providing valuable insights for conservationists and ecologists in the wildlife & ecological research sectors.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2103
  • HansSchouten/OpenNature

    Free open information (CC0) about nature on planet earth

  • leilibrk/Image-Classification-Deep-Learning

    Explore deep learning-powered image classification with PyTorch. Achieved 98% accuracy on Natural Images and 95% on Birds Species using AlexNet and EfficientNet-B1. Dive into the code and results!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2211
  • wimlds-trojmiasto/kosy

    Polish bird species recognition - Bird song analysis and classification. Women in Machine Learning & Data Science project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2301
  • zulfiqarAlibalti/bird_classification

    bird_classification web application

  • avocardio/resnet_vs_convnext

    New is not always better: a comparison of two image classification networks (ResNet-50 vs ConvNeXt).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1202
  • jiejin0327/2021-VRDL-HW1-Bird-Images-Classification

    This project is a bird classifier that uses the PyTorch framework and the ResNet50 model. It can recognize the species of birds in images based on their visual features. It supports 200 different categories of birds.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Luckygyana/Bird-Species-Audio-Identification-Ensembling-and-1D-2D-Signals

    There are about 10,000 different bird species in the world, and they play an important role in the natural world. They serve as good indicators of declining habitat quality and pollution. It is often easier to hear birds than it is to see them. Bird_CLEF 2021 - Birdcall Identification is a Kaggle competition organized by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology whose challenge is to identify which birds are calling in long recordings, given training data generated in meaningfully different contexts. This paper is structured in a way that it first gives details of the competition and the given data so that there is a clear understanding of the challenges posed by the train and test data. Also, we provide a detailed solution to the approaches we used for this challenge including data preparation, augmentations, model building, training procedure, and post-processing techniques.

  • AP-Y/birds-library

    Applications to identify birds based on their appearance and taxonomy

  • kamrulhasanrony/Bird-Classification-Inception-v3

    Bird Species Classification using Inception-v3 Network

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • khustochka/kjogvi

  • love124356/Bird-Classifier

    Selected Topics in Visual Recognition using Deep Learning, NYCU. CodaLab competition - Bird images classification

  • NikhilK-84/remote-bird-species-detection-using-cnn-project

    This project aims to detect bird species using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The model was trained on six categories, including five bird species and one category for 'no bird detected'. The project includes resources for training the model and using it for detection and species recognition.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • abelarduu/Bird-Photos-Website

    Galeria online de fotos de aves, com design inspirado em cartões. Explore e aprecie a beleza das aves de forma intuitiva e organizada.
