
There are 10 repositories under bokeh-plot topic.

  • dubreuia/visual_midi

    Converts a pretty midi sequence to a bokeh plot.

  • jalfr3d/plotting-flask-app

    Using flask, bokeh, and yfinance, the webapp show a chart with stock price history

  • h2oai/nitro-bokeh

    Bokeh plugin for H2O Nitro

  • philibe/FlaskVueBokehPOC

    Here is a POC with `import bokeh` without external bokeh server and with vue (vue3,vuex4, composition-api) because I didn't found a tutorial for my needs.

  • mmaguero/twitter-analysis

    Topic-modeling on large data (1.85M tweets written in Spanish, ~1M "Spain geolocated", about 'coronavirus' between 2019 to 2020-04-20). Forked from ShuaiW/twitter-analysis (adapted for Python3 to use a discriminative score), mainly for Twitter LDA (Latent Dirichlet allocation using Gibbs sampling,

  • leee1337/locomotion-sensing

    This is a program that uses the camera to observe the surrounding and sense if there is any movement. It uses OpenCV to analyse the video data to sense any disturbance in the camera view and then record the times in a data frame using Pandas to create a graph with the recorded timelines with the help of Bokeh.

  • matthewb96/NetSpeedGraphs

    Simple Python program to check ping, upload and download speeds (using speedtest) and plot the information.

  • noahverner1995/Cryptoradar

    A Python repository focused on applying Data Science to cryptocurrency trading on Binance Exchange

  • vusaleyvaz/text-generator-app

    Master Thesis for HSE Master of Data Science - Visualization of different decoding strategies

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ananyachibber21/Face-Detection-OpenCV

    This Python Program allows to detect any motion occurring in the webcam and records the time interval for which the object was in front of the screen using a Bokeh graph.
