
There are 5 repositories under borough topic.

  • amamenko/nypd-arrest-map

    Data visualization application for year-to-date NYPD arrests

  • Davida1014/Car-Accident-Predictor

    Capstone project for the Flatiron School's Immersive Data Science Bootcamp program. Uses time series modeling to predict car accidents in New York City, separated by borough.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • ShantnuS/MyLondonBorough

    Find your London Borough from your post code!

  • clementamiri/London-Borough-TopoJson

    London Borough for Power Bi Choroplethe Map

  • Mashrafii/Calgary-AirBnb-Dot-Map

    Here we implemented the AirBnb Calgary listings and made comparison of between different boroughs and different listings based on the price using D3.js. The colour range is from grey to red representing low to high price range. The mouse over function give us the informations of that particular borough or listings.
