
There are 41 repositories under botnet-detection topic.

  • DGA-Detection

    DGA Domain Detection using Bigram Frequency Analysis

  • master-thesis

    The (un)official repository for my master thesis

  • botnetDetection

    Exploring Botnet Detection with Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook19

    The repository is dedicated to Evasion Generative Adversarial Network source code.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16
  • Edge2Guard

    Code for PerCom paper 'Edge2Guard: Botnet Attacks Detecting Offline Models for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16
  • CTU13-CSV-Dataset

    CTU13 CSV Dataset contains Botnet, Normal and Background traffic

  • p2p-botnet-detector

    Peer to Peer botnet host and traffic detection from network dumps

  • TwitterFun

    Collection of scripts that utilize Twitter API for suspicious behavior analysis

  • BotNet-SDN-ML

    Sources for Botnet detection experiments on SDN networks through Machine Lerarning techinques

  • Honeypot-Blacklists

    All of IP's comes from my public honeypot.

  • IoT-Botnet

    Application of machine learning and deep learning for IoT security

  • Minecraft-Server-Botnet

    A new DDOS Botnet built using Minecraft Servers with Malicious Plugins.

  • BotsBeGone

    Free botnet threat intel

  • VisIBoT

    An automated botnet detection framework and geographic visualisation tool.

  • bot-detection-lab

    Bot detection test environment and tool to obtain characteristics for the detection of bots

  • botnet-analyzer

    This command line tool is useful to identify DDoS attacks to a group of servers, as well as the malicious IP addresses, by providing a Log file in a specific format

  • Computer_Security_Projects

    ........... The projects and homeworks are part of the course CSE-565 : Computer Security [Fall 2018 @ UB_SUNY]................ Course Instructor : Marina Blanton (

  • Botnet-Finder-Framework

    A modular framework for botnet detectors prototyping and evaluation

  • thesis-botnet-detection

    Detection of malware bot and botnet activities over DNS / Master's Thesis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • mondeo

    MONDEO - Multistage Botnet detection tool

  • Botnet-Detection-in-a-Network-Stream

    Analyzing the network traffic and recognizes the Botnet signals using the data stream mining approach

  • Project-Honeypot

    Lightweight honeypot that gathers and recognizes UDP packets.

  • Network-Sniffer

    Network Sniffer 🌐 : Un analyseur de paquets en Python pour détecter les comportements suspects et les attaques sur les réseaux locaux.

  • llmrfcpoc

    combating the llm fomo, feeding the shiny object syndrome, for folly and partially for curiousity

  • ML_IDS_Botnet_Traffic

    Intrusion Detection System that uses Machine Learning to detect Botnet Traffic.

  • keys-custom-idps

    This Python script provides a sophisticated botnet detection system that leverages signature-based detection, machine learning algorithms, behavioral analysis, and traffic profiling to identify potential botnet activity in real-time. It also includes advanced alerting capabilities and integration with IP reputation services and SIEM for DETECTION!

  • ul-feature-selection-for-botnet-detection

    Repository proposes pattern-based feature selection methods as part of a machine learning (ML) based botnet detection system

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • botnet-active-learning

    This repository contains code used for experiments in my BSc final thesis, “Multi-class Classification of Botnet Detection by Active Learning.”

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Attack-Detection-KNN

    Este é um repositório é destinado à um projeto que realizei no IFCE, um detector de ataques botnet à redes iot com base no melhoor parâmetro K para o KNN.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Botnet-Detection

    The objective is to build botnet detection system while experimenting with many machine learning classifier algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • BotnetDetectionTCC

    Repositório do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso "Utilização de técnicas de Machine Learning para Detecção de Botnets"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • pseudobot

    Fake Malware Bots

  • Detect-Botnets-in-Network-Traffic

    Application of Deep Learning to Detect Botnets in Network Traffic Using CTU-13 Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • ML-Malware-Detection

    Malware Detection using ML classification

  • Analysis-of-Machine-Learning-models-for-Botnet-Detection

    A report of the study of Botnet Detction using Machine Learning models, this report provides an in-depth exploration of botnets, their characteristics, and the existing research in the field of botnet detection.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook