
There are 14 repositories under burger-app topic.

  • maks-akymenko/react-burger-menu-article-app

    React app with implemented hamburger menu

  • iamthakurmanish/Burger-Builder-in-Angular

    Burger Builder in Angular

  • SrjAdhikari/Burger-Theme-Website

    Welcome to the Burger Theme Website repository! This project is a responsive, visually engaging burger-themed website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The site offers a smooth user experience with animations, intuitive navigation, and a design optimized for both mobile and desktop devices.

  • anmolsukki/reactjs_basics

    ReactJs Video Lecture Basic Concept

  • BilliMorgan/Burger-Builder

    The app built on React with Firebase DB styled with CSS. Inside the app were used class and functional components. React routing. Redux. Currently working on adding testing and refactoring using Hooks.

  • Claayton/VueBurguerShop

    Um web site que simula uma hamburgueria desenvolvido a partir do curso do MatheusBattisti.

  • Devyani1430/Burger_Buzz_Figma

    Burger shop landing page design concept.

  • DKMitt/burger

    Eat-Da-Burger App is an homework assignment for week 14 @ Northwestern Coding Boot Camp. The assignment is to create a burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade ORM. Being sure to follow the MVC design pattern; use Node and MySQL to query and route data in the app, and use Handlebars to generate your HTML.

  • igortheodoro/burger-builder

    A burger builder app

  • Fouad-Gabr/Burger-website

    This Burger Craze project is a fully responsive and interactive single-page website designed to showcase a burger restaurant's offerings with style, creativity, and smooth animations.

  • gilson-leonel01/burger-king_website-clone

    🍔 Burger King Clone: A responsive web project replicating the design and functionality of the Burger King website. Features include a dynamic menu, interactive sections, and modern design techniques. Built with React.js and Tailwind CSS for a seamless and engaging user experience. Created by G! with The Journey Coding

  • owaisnawab3/Burger-Website

    The Burger Website, This is the perfect for Restaurant, Foods and Small Business.

  • salmanali23/burger-app

    A Simple Burger Builder Application in React

  • santanu12saha/react-burger-app

    The application gives end user to create and view a bugger app before buying and place a order after that. The application is build with react latest stack. (Code Pen Burger Builder CSS Link: https://codepen.io/ssaha123/pen/WNQvNBL)
