
There are 5 repositories under buzzeralert topic.

  • Awais-Asghar/Automatic-Egg-Incubator-Using-Arduino

    I developed the Egg Incubator Project using an Arduino to maintain optimal hatching conditions with temperature and humidity control, and periodic egg turning. With a 100% hatch rate, this incubator features a DHT11 sensor, stepper motor for egg turning, LCD display for status, and buzzer alerts for critical conditions.

  • apo-orvv/DIY-Arduino-Based-Gas-Alert-System

    This repository is for a gas detector system designed for detecting gas leaks. The system uses an analog gas sensor connected to pin A0 of the Arduino board. It includes LEDs for visual indication and a buzzer for audible alerts. Additionally, it provides appropriate status messages through the serial monitor.

  • shreyaskbkukke/home_security

    This Arduino project features a Motion Detection System using a PIR sensor and a buzzer. When motion is detected, the buzzer activates, providing a simple and effective solution for motion sensing applications.

  • shreyaskbkukke/smart_bridge

    This Arduino project deploys two servos, a moisture sensor, and a buzzer for flood detection. Upon surpassing a set moisture threshold, the system raises a bridge, triggering a buzzer. The bridge lowers when the flood subsides, enhancing flood response capabilities.

  • AdamLotfalla/Capstone19312

    The project suggests the idea of monitoring the Ramses IV tomb in the Vally Of Kings. The parameters measured are temperature, humidity, light intensity, and people count. Those are monitored on the long term to check the status of the monument and protect it if the parameters go in the danger zone.
