
There are 47 repositories under c-projects topic.

  • cognitive-ninja/Mini-Voting-System

    C project for beginners.

  • algorithms


    A open source repository of different kinds of algorithms in c. Newbies are encouraged to contribute! Note: I made this code when i didn't have as much experience in programming

  • ssoad/Employee-Management-System

    Employee Management System in C By Sohanuzzaman Soad

  • ebraj/Phonebook-C-Project

    Phonebook is a simple project built in C where you can save the Infos of a person and can modify and delete it too.

  • jithin-renji/Nuke

    A program to 'nuke' storage devices.

  • grim-firefly/C-CPP-Project

    Here You will find some easy C and C++ project.

  • akhtar02/Scientific-Calculator-in-C

    This Reopositories is a Scientific Calculator 💗 using C-Graphics 😍

  • singhofen/c-programming

    These are small C language programs meant for learning and understanding the fundamentals of programming.

  • me-badsha/C-Graphics-Project

    Here You will find some easy C and C++ project.

  • UG-SEP/Tic-Tac-Toe-AI-Intergrated

    this is a repo of where you will get to see tic tac toe AI intregrated project

  • webwithaman/c-programming-questions

    This repository contains a collection of programming questions and solutions in the C programming language. The questions cover various fundamental concepts such as Input/Output, Operators, Decision Control, Loops, Functions, Arrays, Strings, Pointers and more.

  • ganeshkavhar/Calender-app-in-C-by-ganesh-kavhar

    ganesh kavhar projects

  • UG-SEP/Paint-with-UG-The-SEP

    This is a Project created in c named Paint With UG. this is like paint application . You can draw shapes , freehand , fill color, change color, add image , open image , save image ,change background , clear pad , write text etc..

  • naemazam/Hotel-Management-System

    Password Protected Hotel Management System in C language.

  • Rohan-Shakya/c-programs

    This repository contains the C Programs with the source code as well as output so that you can learn the better way of programming.

  • Mohammad-Asif-Web/Cpp-and-projects

    C and C++ language practice, problem solving, data structures and algorithms with more exercise. completed four projects in C

  • praveennegi420/secure_notepad

    A project with basic C implementation. It is a password-protected editor, with which you can access your files safely. It provides various functionalities like adding timestamp, displaying file content, adding or overwriting to previous file data. It also provides a Demo interface.

  • shibam120302/IP_Address_Finder

    With the help of splay tree data structure, we would create a tree whose nodes are embedded with the Ip address of the device that are connect to a specific network router.

  • mozancetin/c-projects

    Some C Projects

  • subhankar18r/The_C_Programming_Language

    Welcome to The C Programming Language. This repository is a collection of my journey through the world of C programming. Here, you'll find a variety of projects, exercises, and experiments that showcase my exploration and mastery of the C programming language.

  • krutikkkkkkkkk/C

    Basic C projects

  • sheam-tech/C-Projects-Repo

    Although C isn't the best language for application software development, I tried to build some mini-games and small applications(CLI) to improve my problem-solving abilities.

  • Venkateeshh/Bus-Reservation-in-C

    Bus Ticket Reservation System (C) - A user-friendly project for booking and managing bus tickets. Features include ticket booking, seat availability, cancellation, modification, and ticket history. Clone, compile, and execute the project. Enjoy hassle-free bus ticket booking!

  • result-management-system-in-c


    This is the result management system created using the C language. It is a purely CUI-based application and it is extremely fast

  • anasali1671/My_C_Language_Practice_Programs

    This my C language practice programs and projects which I complete during my studies. Here You will find some easy C language programs.

  • BilalGns/C-Examples

    C language examples

  • mahendramahara/Solving-Challenges-C

    Solving Challenges in C Programming repository, featuring over 100+ curated resources to boost your skills. Crafted by Mahendra Mahara, explore challenges, PDFs, and mini projects. Contribute, connect, and stay updated to excel in C programming. Embark on a journey of learning and mastery.

  • naemazam/Library-Management-System

    Library Management System is specially designed for purpose of adding book’s records in a library. The system elaborates the basic concept for storing and generating the book’s detail.

  • akshayxemo/TCP-Client-Server-Socket

    It's a chatting system implemented in C - Programming Language by using TCP-Socket programming. In this project multiple Client can send and receive message between each other until they are connected to the Server. Clients can use multiple commands and command format provided by the server to communicate with the server and other clients.

  • awkward-py/C-ATM

    This simple program simulates an ATM machine, allowing users to check their balance, withdraw money, deposit money, and exit the service. It's a basic example to help you understand how C programming can be used to create interactive applications.

  • dohack/100Days100CProjects

    100Days100CProjects: A Voyage into C Programming Mastery

  • naemazam/Tic-Tac-Toe-Game-using-C

    The Simple Tic Tac Toe Game was developed in a simple windowed console application, that display the gameplay as a console log images. The players can play the game via keyboard bindings the numbers that display in the screen is the position where you place you bet.

  • ariful305/cafeteria-management-system-in-c

    The Cafeteria Management System is a console-based application written in C that helps manage food items, orders, and customer interactions within a cafeteria. It incorporates data structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues to efficiently handle various operations.

  • LinuxUsersLinuxMint/CAppDevKit

    Kit for developing command line applications in C

  • Student-Management-System


    Simple C Project with different functionalities like percentage calculation of students, storing attendance ,and other info and save it in a seperate file
