
There are 12 repositories under cad-models topic.

  • skanti/Scan2CAD

    [CVPR'19] Dataset and code used in the research project Scan2CAD: Learning CAD Model Alignment in RGB-D Scans

  • zhou13/holicity

    HoliCity: A City-Scale Data Platform for Learning Holistic 3D Structures

  • CKchaos/scn2pointcloud_tool

    The toolbox implements the data conversion from CAD models (such as .obj/.off file) to point cloud(surface voxels) with RGB value and labels.

  • Ryanglambert/3d_model_retriever

    Experimenting with a newly published deep learning paper and how it can be used for content-based 3D model retrieval. (info retrieval for CAD)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook557017
  • rrainey/agc-mechanical-cad

    Apollo Guidance Computer - Mechanical CAD models from the original NASA/MIT drawings

  • manueldelrio/faino-estante

    DIWO shelving system

  • DanieleBertagnoli/SyntheticVideoGeneration

    This project allows users to generate synthetic videos from CAD models, including .npy files with additional information. Models are loaded dynamically into a Blender scene, and the camera smoothly moves along spherical points to create the final video.

  • ProVR-Norway/ProvrUE4

    The ProVR virtual reality application where participants can register, log in, create online sessions, invite other people to sessions, join sessions, collaborate in a VR environment, and interact with their uploaded CAD models.

  • IChowdhury01/itsMe

    A 3D-printable, portable smart lock, controlled remotely via an Android app. Freely customizable for individual use with an open-source CAD design.

  • pgeedh/Numerical-and-Experimental-Analysis-of-DrawDie-Parameters-for-A-Tapered-Shell

    The paper explores the effects of various draw die parameters on the manufacturing process of a tapered shell. The study employs numerical simulations and experimental validations to investigate the impact of these parameters. The research findings shed light on the relationship between draw die parameters and the quality of the tapered shell.

  • ukd1/openscad-sutro-tower

    Sutro Tower, in OpenSCAD

  • csgryfe/PlantPals

    A term long school project to create an automated plant watering system
