
There are 264 repositories under carbon-emissions topic.

  • ghislainv/deforestation-maps-Mada

    :pencil: Sixty years of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar

  • caas-team/caas-carbon-footprint

    Support Sustainable Computing to provide customer with metrics for their carbon footprint workload

  • protea-earth/greta

    👧 Greta is an agile voice assistant to help reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Decarbon-LLC/decarbon-category-footprints

    Open data list of grams of CO2e per dollar spent for every category in Plaid.

  • OpenGeoScales/ogs-data-exploration

    This repository contains all data exploration notebooks for OpenGeoScales project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook115570
  • tech-creed/Green-Chain-PLI-Hackathon-2.0

    Blockchain-Driven Carbon Management integrates blockchain for transparency, automated credit systems, XRC-20 tokens for carbon trading, AI predictions, user-friendly interfaces, incentives, compliance, and public awareness. Revolutionizing emissions control for a sustainable future.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11123
  • mesutdmn/Carbon-Footprint-Calculator-App

    The Carbon Footprint Calculator project is a user-friendly web application designed to empower individuals to assess and understand their environmental impact.

  • OpenCarbonWatch/Website

    Source code (back-end and front-end) of our main website, which monitors greenhouse gases emissions reports by organizations

  • PedramBakh/EC-NAS-Bench

    Energy Consumption-Aware Tabular Benchmark For Neural Architecture Search

  • rarecoil/laptop-co2e

    Carbon footprints for various developer-friendly laptops (notebook computers).

  • wri/charm-global-level

    CHARM, a model that estimates the GHG impacts and land-use requirements of forestry

  • danwrisar/KMSIMG_NHS_EmissionsRecipeBook

    A collaboration-based approach to calculating emissions associated with the NHS Carbon Footprint and NHS Carbon Footprint Plus scopes.

  • KKulma/intensegRid

    R wrapper for National Grid Carbon Intensity API

  • ERC-Cool


    The internet's new cool-enhancing standard in sustainability.

  • harshitadd/DP-Carbon-Footprint

    Analysing the carbon footprint of Differential privacy guarantees on Vanilla BERT ( modelled for news classification ), MNIST and the Cartpole Problem using Opacus. [ Accepted to appear at ICML 2021 - Workshop on Socially Responsible Machine Learning ]

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8201
  • be-neutral


    BeNeutral helps people save money and the environment by making their homes energy-efficient. We calculate co2 emitted by a house, advise how to reduce it and encourage to offset the rest by planting trees. The goal is for a household to achieve and maintain carbon-neutrality.

  • protea-earth/semantic_search

    🔍 Quickly find content, data, and groups related to climate change.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8402
  • answers111/OpenCarbonEval

    Repo for OpenCarbonEval: A Unified Carbon Emission Estimation Framework in Large-Scale AI Models

  • eillarra/carbonize

    A collection of carbon footprint calculators.

  • FraserTooth/japan_grid_carbon_api

    API and Backend to Calculate the Current Carbon Intensity of the Japanese Grid...roughly

  • jonparker/green-webhook

    💚 💚 GreenWebhook 💚 💚 is a proxy or gateway between two systems that helps reduce your carbon footprint by dynamically routing or delaying traffic so that your workloads run when and where they will cause the lowest amount of carbon emissions.

  • teto1992/greenICTer

    A logic programming solution to assess the ecological footprint of your ICT system

  • vporton/courts

    Crypto Reward Courts

  • carbonable-labs/baseline-contracts

    Baseline methodologies to compute the carbon absorption of regeneration projects.

  • justinly15/CARGO-Hackathon

    The 2021 CARGO (Consumer Awareness of Real GHG Output) Hackathon (October 23-24, 2021) aims to create solutions to the problem of embedded greenhouse gas emissions created by the transportation sector, which accounts for the largest share of GHG emissions in the USA. We built a command line tool for calculating carbon emissions for domestic cargo transport.

  • OpenCarbonWatch/France

    Scripts de consolidation des données liées à la réglementation française et aux bilans d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour les organisations (entreprises ou collectivités) dont le siège est en France

  • alexeipancratov/green-energy-tracker

    Collaboration project between blockchain developers to create a Green Energy Tracking System based on blockchain which would help to track carbon footprint of companies and give them possibility to compensate it by purchasing green energy which is tied to the GET (Green Energy Token).

  • FraserTooth/japan_grid_carbon_api_website

    Web App for the Japan Grid Carbon API

  • ibebbs/CODuo

    A cross-platform, dual-screen aware app that presents data about electricity generation and carbon emissions across the UK. Showcase app for the Uno Platform on dual screen devices.

  • lucabron/netzero

    Data visualization of each country's efforts toward net zero emission using Python

  • Nanoseb/gqueue

    CLI tool to compute CO2 emissions of HPC computations following methodology

  • SBCM


    The Simple Biomass Comparison Model

  • StrombergNLP/Low-Carbon-NLP

    Code and experiments for low-power LLM architecture search, SustaiNLP 2021

  • Unusuala1l2e3x4/Research-Spring2021

    Investigating how carbon emissions, particulate matter, and climate variables/indices impact mortality from chronic respiratory disease. Working with pollutant, climate, mortality, population, and geographic datasets. Modeling with Random Forest regression.

  • valohai/wattson

    A simple Python library for estimating cloud compute carbon emissions.

  • yldzburhan/CarbonFootPrintCalculator

    The Carbon Footprint Calculator project is a user-friendly web application designed to empower individuals to assess and understand their environmental impact.
