
There are 32 repositories under cardinality topic.

  • gakhov/pdsa

    Probabilistic Data Structures and Algorithms in Python

  • ascv/HyperLogLog

    Fast HyperLogLog for Python.

  • wangyi-fudan/wyHLL

    The dream accurate approximate set cardinality estimator based on 3-bit HyperLogLog. More accurate than Redis HyperLogLog.

  • LiveRamp/HyperMinHash-java

    Union, intersection, and set cardinality in loglog space

  • leandro/cardinality-br

    Cardinal expression for numbers and currency values in pt-br (brazilian) language.

  • pree-dew/metric-explorer

    A tool to analyze your TSDB Cardinality stats, to stay one step ahead in knowing the system better

  • shubs202k/Hyperspectral-Image-Classification-using-Deep-Learning

    Hyperspectral Image Classification using Deep Neural Network Architectures with Transfer Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9206
  • SleekPanther/bipartite-matching

    Application of Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find the maximum matching between 2 sides of a bipartite graph

  • travisbrady/ccard

    Fast Approximate Unique Word Counting (via LogLog-Beta) for the command line

  • aritrasep/Modof.jl

    Multiobjective Discrete Optimization Framework in Julia

  • google-research/privateFM

    Code for differentially private Flajolet-Martin sketch.

  • paulfantom/eagle

    Slowly kills prometheus server. Byte by byte.

  • iiithf/discrete-mathematics-and-algorithms

    Discrete mathematics is the study of discontinuous quantities, and associated algorithms.

  • itrummer/ExactCardinalityQueryOptimization

    This repository contains tools for finding query plans that produce the least number of join result tuples (the so-called "Cout" metric). Those tools are not suitable for query optimization at run time - instead, they can be used for offline analysis to assess the quality of query optimizers.

  • l0vest0rm/hll

    go/golang version of hyperloglog, ported from popular java version java-hll. hyperloglog is an Cardinality estimate algorithm with low memory and low bias

  • last9/blog-articles

    All blog articles from

  • siddharthchatterjee9/Self_Notes_DBMS_ERD_Crow

    Pertaining to the utter confusion between notations used in Entity-Relationship modeling concepts and especially the degree v/s cardinality question, I have compiled my notes on most of the concepts used in ERD from authentic and reasonable sources which do not contradict each other. I did this because there are misconceptions over the internet for simple definitions which make it cumbersome to understand. There are innumerable errors both in the teacher's slides as well as articles over Internet in defining terms and not keeping the exact semantics of it while defining subsequent terms. Hope this will do justice to those who are behind the true meaning of everything in between! Also through discovery, I noticed the Crow's notation which makes things really simple to understand. Thanks to Coursera and Patrycja Dybka! Copyrights and licensing reserved

  • Allan34Kirwa/Predicting-Apartment-Prices-in-Mexico-City-MX

    This repo implements a machine learning model to predict real estate prices in Mexico City. It preprocesses data, incorporates one-hot encoding, imputation, and Ridge regression, achieving accurate price approximations.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • anthonysyk/go-cardinality

    go-cardinality is a Go library that calculates the cardinality and distinct count of values in a dataset, providing efficient and accurate estimations.

  • Coder-Chitta/Machine-Learning-Hands-On-Association-Rules

    Association Rules

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • formulae-org/package-expression-js

    Expression package for Fōrmulæ, in JavaScript

  • MatejaMaric/kafka-go-cardinality

    Estimating cardinality for a data stream using Go and Apache Kafka

  • MoinDalvs/Learn_EDA_House_Price_Dataset

    Data Set: House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques Exploratory Data Analysis on more than 80 features

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • plainas/cdi_cardinality

    Get the carnality of each column on a CSV file

  • sundy-li/simple_hll

    A simple HyperLogLog implementation in rust

  • asyakhl/EventsDatabase

    PostgreSQL Database

  • dynatrace-research/ultraloglog-paper

    UltraLogLog: A Practical and More Space-Efficient Alternative to HyperLogLog for Approximate Distinct Counting

  • ashishyadav24092000/EDA_on_HousePrice

    In this repository I have performed Exploratory data analysis on the dataset famously known as House Price Prediction.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • jacquie0583/360degree-view-of-Sales-Statistics

    Sales Interactive Dashboarding, Power BI, A 360 degree view of what's happening within your sales data: KPIs indicated in the top left corner, highest level sales total number Bar Chart that looks at sales by category (cell phones, electronics, hardware, and televisions) Geomap provides sales by location Line Graph provides sales by time, a data model which allows for interactive metrics with a click. Let's say, electronics and it will change all the other visualizations. This interactive element is very valuable and empowers others to start digging for their own answers to their own questions. Leveraging this tool allows for the building out of an organization's reporting infrastructure.

  • Pradnya1208/Naive-Bayes

    This project aims to understand and build Naive Bayes classifier to predict the salary of a person.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10