
There are 9 repositories under carnivore-conservation topic.

  • farrmt/HMSDS

    Farr, M.T., Green, D.S., Holekamp, K.E., Roloff, G.J., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Multi-species hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives. Ecological Applications 9(2): e01845.

  • njhostet/Hostetter_etal_2020_DiversityAndDistributions

    Hostetter NJ, D Ryan, D Grosshuesch, T Catton, S Malick-Wahls, TA Smith, and B Gardner. Quantifying spatiotemporal occupancy dynamics and multi-year core use areas at a species range boundary. Diversity and Distributions. Accepted.

  • njhostet/Hostetter_etal_2021_PlosOne

    Hostetter NJ, NJ Lunn, ES Richardson, EV Regehr, and SJ Converse. Age-structured Jolly-Seber model expands inference and improves parameter estimation from capture-recapture data. PLOS One

  • njhostet/Regehr_etal_2018_ScientificReports

    Regehr, E. V., N. J. Hostetter, R. R. Wilson, K. D. Rode, M. S. Martin, and S. J. Converse. 2018. Integrated Population Modeling Provides the First Empirical Estimates of Vital Rates and Abundance for Polar Bears in the Chukchi Sea. Scientific Reports 8:16780.

  • Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Hostetter_etal_2021_PlosOne

    Hostetter NJ, NJ Lunn, ES Richardson, EV Regehr, and SJ Converse. Age-structured Jolly-Seber model expands inference and improves parameter estimation from capture-recapture data. PLOS One 16:e0252748

  • Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Regehr_etal_2018_ScientificReports

    Regehr, E. V., N. J. Hostetter, R. R. Wilson, K. D. Rode, M. S. Martin, and S. J. Converse. 2018. Integrated Population Modeling Provides the First Empirical Estimates of Vital Rates and Abundance for Polar Bears in the Chukchi Sea. Scientific Reports 8:16780.

  • farrmt/Green_etal_2019_PTRS

    Green, D.S., Farr, M.T., Holekamp, K.E., Strauss, E.D., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Can hyena behavior predict abundances of sympatric carnivores? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 374(1781): 20180052.

  • zipkinlab/Farr_etal_2019_EcoApps

    Farr, M.T., Green, D.S., Holekamp, K.E., Roloff, G.J., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Multi-species hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives. Ecological Applications 9(2): e01845.

  • zipkinlab/Green_etal_2019_PTRS

    Green, D.S., Farr, M.T., Holekamp, K.E., Strauss, E.D., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Can hyena behavior predict abundances of sympatric carnivores? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 374(1781): 20180052.