
There are 9 repositories under cco topic.

  • CommonCoreOntology/CommonCoreOntologies

    The Common Core Ontology Repository holds the current released version of the Common Core Ontology suite.

  • BFO-Mappings/PROV-to-BFO

    PROV & SSN/SOSA mapped to BFO-ISO, RO, & CCO

  • AustinBoyuJiang/Competitive-Programming

    My solutions to problems from USACO, CCC, Codeforces, DMOJ, and other competitions.

  • lfmc/pdccoRSOS

    This repository contains the source code and scripts used in the paper "Parallel generation of extensive vascular networks with application to an archetypal human kidney model". This work is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal license.

  • VerticeOne/terraform-aws-vertice-integration

    Terraform module to provide Vertice Cloud Cost Optimization with access to your AWS accounts

  • ChrisBermudezR/Ictioplancton_ExPacifico2021

    En este repositorio se presentan los análisis del proyecto "Diversidad, abundancia y distribución del ictioplancton y su relación con las condiciones oceanográficas y los períodos mareales en la subregión Sanquianga-Gorgona, frente al delta del río Patía", llevados a cabo por el Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas del Pacífico (CCCP) , Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia y la Universidad del Valle; enmarcado en la Expedición Científica Pacífico "Bocas de Sanquianga".

  • roshantaneja/competitive-programming

    All of my competitive programming files in one repo

  • VerticeOne/cloudformation-aws-vertice-cco-integration

    AWS CloudFormation templates for Vertice Cloud Cost Optimization integrations with your account

  • mavaddat/CEMC

    Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) and Canadian Computing Olympiad (CCO)
