
There are 32 repositories under centroids topic.

  • world-countries-centroids


    Center points of world countries - CSV and GeoJSON

  • gicait/centroid-unet

    Centroid-UNet is deep neural network model to detect centroids from satellite images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook31129
  • DougUOT/Credit_Risk_Analysis

    We'll use Python to build and evaluate several machine learning models to predict credit risk. Being able to predict credit risk with machine learning algorithms can help banks and financial institutions predict anomalies, reduce risk cases, monitor portfolios, and provide recommendations on what to do in cases of fraud.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6200
  • OcraM17/DUCK

    Code for the paper "DUCK: Distance-based Unlearning via Centroid Kinematics"

  • bharath5673/Bounding-boxes-inside-PolyROI

    object detections on polygonal roi using yolo

  • abarankab/competitive-programming

    Most of the problems I solved and algorithms I grinded while prepairing for the Russian Olympiad in Informatics.

  • ByJuanDiego/ss-tree

    The Similarity Search Tree is an efficient method for indexing high dimensional feature vectors. The main objective of this data structure is to obtain the nearest neighbors given a certain query vector in a reasonable amount of time. In this project, the k-NN algorithm was adapted for supporting image retrieval.

  • ParsaD23/kmeans_parallel_OpenMP

    Parallellization of the Kmeans algorithm with OpenMP

  • 360-info/country-centroids

    Country centroids based on data from geoBoundaries.org. Useful for bubble maps and arc maps.

  • alejo1630/centroids

    With this Python code it's possible to find the centroid of a regular or irregular geometric figures wich are solid or have holes, using Open CV library

  • dal-gis/find-centroids-toolbox

    Creates a new feature class with the centroid of all polygons for each category provided by a field.

  • huytranvan2010/Simple-Object-Tracking-with-OpenCV

    Simple object tracking by using the centroid tracking algorithm

  • juan0x/FC25-Clusters-w-K-Means

    Análisis de datos (aprendizaje no supervisado), clasificación de los jugadores del juego FC25 en 4 clusters, aplicando 3 medidas diferentes para valorar la similitud.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • Scrayil/k-means

    This project consists in the implementation of the K-Means and Mini-Batch K-Means clustering algorithms. This is not to be considered as the final and most efficient algorithm implementation as the objective here is to make a clear comparison between the sequential and parallel execution of the clustering steps.

  • Akotovets1/Cryptocurrencies

    Unsupervised Machine Learning and Cryptocurrencies

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • amyylin1/Cryptocurrencies

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • antonioualex/Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis-RNN-GRU-Development

    This project focuses on the development of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model using Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) for Twitter sentiment analysis, along with hyperparameter tuning. The performance of the RNN-GRU model is compared against two pre-existing models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • AvivR94/Normalized-Spectral-Clustering-Project

    Clustering algorithm with other functions (Laplacian Norm, Jacobi algorithm - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors extractor, etc)

  • BECHEUR/Etude_de_marche_exportation_alimentaire

    Analyse d'un groupement de pays cible pour l'exportation de poulet (clustering, CAH, k-means, ACP)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • geovanimelo/AppDistCentroide

    Um exemplo que mostra o cálculo do número e a distâncias aos centroides utilizando um dataset de flores iris.

  • J-Stephen-Brewer/centroids-in-R

    function in R for calculating a centroid matrix

  • Peteresis/Credit_Risk_Analysis

    Using Supervised Machine Learning algorithms to identify credit risks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • RedChow/ThreadedKMeans

    Jython does not have the GIL problem that CPython has, so we use this to easily create a threaded K-Means program.

  • RikoAppDev/agglomerative-clustering

    AI - Project 3 - This project implements Aglomerative Clustering to cluster all generated points in 2D space using: Centroid & Medoid

  • AlexandrosPlessias/IR-Kmeans-PageRank

    Implementaion of K-Means & Page Rank algorithms. (extend of "IR-CosineSimilarity-vs-Freq" repository)

  • aniketpanda18/Prediction-using-Unsupervised-ML

    From the given ‘Iris’ dataset, predict the optimum number of clusters and represent it visually. Use R or Python to perform this task

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • antonioualex/Tweet-Sentiment-Classifier-using-MLPs

    This project focuses on developing a sentiment classification model using Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) with variations in text representation techniques and hyperparameter tuning, leveraging a balanced subset of the Kaggle Twitter Sentiment Analysis dataset. Additionally, a single instance of logistic regression was applied for comparison.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Baylex/Cryptocurrencies

    Supervised Learning Recap

    Language:Jupyter Notebook103
  • chandra-ps612/Set_of_shortest_distance_rectangles

    Classical Computer Vision

  • Samahussien7/COVID-19-Chest-X-ray-Classification-KNN

    This project aims to build a complete pattern recognition system to solve classification problems using the k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm. To classify chest X-ray images into three categories: COVID-19 positive, pneumonia positive, and normal. To achieve this, we utilize the COVID-19 Chest X-ray dataset available on Kaggle.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • shinanna/Uber_NY_Machine_Learning

    Data Analysis, EDA and Unsupervised Machine Learning Models on Uber NY Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook101
  • stu115/Machine-learning-assignment-pt.2

    Doing algorithms on next sets of data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10