
There are 161 repositories under cgan topic.

  • tried42long/Comic-Colorization-with-cGAN

    Comic Colorization with cGAN

  • carolineh101/deep-learning-architecture

    Deep learning classifier and image generator for building architecture.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11303
  • prodeveloper0/UniquePrintV1

    Synthesizing Fingerprint from Pattern Type Analysis Features using cGAN - WITC 2019

  • dikshantsagar/CGAN-Face-Emotion-Generation

    Generating Photorealistic Facial Images with specified emotions using CGAN.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10103
  • elibooklover/Victorian400

    Colorizing Victorian Illustrations with the Victorian400 Dataset | by Hoyeol Kim

  • Kedreamix/GAN_Step_By_Step

    GAN Step By Step -- GSBS,顾名思义,我希望我自己能够一步一步的学习GAN。GAN 又名 生成对抗网络,是最近几年很热门的一种无监督算法,他能生成出非常逼真的照片,图像甚至视频。GAN是一个图像的全新的领域,从2014的GAN的发展现在,在计算机视觉中扮演这越来越重要的角色,并且到每年都能产出各色各样的东西,GAN的理论和发展都蛮多的。我感觉最近有很多人都在学习GAN,但是国内可能缺少比较多的GAN的理论及其实现,所以我也想着和大家一起学习,并且提供主流框架下 **pytorch,tensorflow,keras** 的一些实现教学。 在一个2016年的研讨会,`杨立昆`描述生成式对抗网络是“`机器学习这二十年来最酷的想法`”。

  • VirtualRoyalty/gan-text-classification

    Generative adversarial approach to text classification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10200
  • ppplinday/Multiple-GAN-Tensorflow-Mnist

    Implement multiple gan including vanilla_gan, dcgan, cgan, infogan and wgan with tensorflow and dataset including mnist.

  • ShivamShrirao/facegan_pytorch

    Generate 256x256, 512x512 resolution images with simple Convolutional GAN by adding Gaussian noise to discriminator layers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9201
  • bashbaha/speakergan

    Unofficial implement with paper SpeakerGAN: Speaker identification with conditional generative adversarial network

  • ChenBoYam/Metal-Artifact-Reduction

    Eliminate metal artifacts from CT images Semi-supervised learning

  • gcervantes8/Fast-Image-Gans

    Using Deep Learning to create fake images of games using PyTorch

  • mustafa-qamaruddin/age-cgan

    Age Conditional GAN with ResNet Face Descriptors based on DLib, Keras, and TFRecords.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8100
  • taresh18/Image-Colorization

    Colorizing Black & White images using GAN

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8201
  • YigitGunduc/Conditional-GANs-CGANs

    Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks(cgans) to convert text to image implemented in Python and TensorFlow & Keras

  • CristianCosci/Generative_Adversarial_Networks_GAN__Overview

    A small overview of what GANs and their main variants are, with related implementations.

  • lordtt13/GAN-s

    All GAN models in Keras

  • resfahani/TFCGAN_eval

    Ground motion simulation in the time-frequency domain by conditional GAN and phase retrieval

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7310
  • sobhanshukueian/Conditional-DCGAN

    Conditional Deep Convolutional GAN implementation using pytorch on MNIST dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7102
  • moono/GANs

    Study Generative Adversarial Networks

  • UBCDingXin/cGAN-KD

    A unified cGAN-based knowledge distillation method

  • YeongHyeon/CGAN-TF

    TensorFlow implementation of Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (CGAN) with MNIST dataset.

  • znxlwm/tensorflow-pix2pix

    Tensorflow implementation of pix2pix for various datasets.

  • davide-abbattista/outGANfit

    outGANfit - a cDCGANs-based architecture

  • hanyoseob/youtube-cnn-006-pytorch-pix2pix

    [CNN PROGRAMMING] 006 - pix2pix

  • rithikafjohnson/AI-art-generator

    Python code to convert hand drawn sketches into abstract art using GANs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • T-Almeida/GAN-study

    Here i present several GAN models in format of notebook implemented with tensorflow using the layers API

    Language:Jupyter Notebook52
  • t04glovern/deep-dune-coloring

    Automatic coloring and shading of Dune coloring book using manga-style lineart model from deepcolor. Makes use of Tensorflow + cGANs

  • Alexander-Zadorozhnyy/CGAN_CAPTCHA_SOLVER

    🛠 Captcha Solver based on Tensorflow. The project incorporates a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (CGAN) architecture within Tensorflow, enhancing its ability to effectively solve Captchas even when trained on small limited datasets.

  • egyptdj/GANs

    TensorFlow Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

  • evenmn/pytorch-sfid

    Computing the Sliding Fréchet Inception Distance between fake and real images with continous labels

  • gdikov/calibrated-adversarial-learning

    Reproducing the toy example in "Calibrated Adversarial Refinement for Multimodal Semantic Segmentation" by Kassapis et al.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4300
  • letiziaia/time-series-augmentation

    Data augmentation for time series classification

  • xkumiyu/chainer-conditional-dcgan

    Chainer implementation of Conditional DCGAN.

  • Amir-Hofo/CGAN_MNIST_Pytorch

    This code implements an example of a CGAN deep learning model using PyTorch. The architecture used for the generator and discriminator is MLP (multi layer perceptron) network. This model is trained with MNIST dataset and finally it can generate images of numbers 0 to 9 according to the label we specify for it.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • fatimaazfar/Text-to-Image-Generator-CGAN

    This project implements a Text to Image Generator using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for synthesizing floorplan images from textual descriptions. It includes features such as custom dataset handling, performance metrics like FID and IS, and configurable training options for optimization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100