
There are 8 repositories under chia-plot topic.

  • rjsears/chia_plot_manager

    Python scripts to manage Chia plots and drive space, providing full reports. Also monitors the number of chia coins you have. Auto Drive helps to automate the addition of new hard drives to your system and to the chia config.

  • anyplots/cloud-chia-plotter

    Cloud Chia Plotter: run MadMax Chia Plotter or BladeBit on cloud. It does not require SSD disk,NVME disk or large amount of memory, and can run well on low configuration rig, such as raspberry pi.

  • sbsos/hotplotterclient

    User-Agent for The User-Agent allows you to communicate with the webserver to remotely manage your plotting. It supports OG/NFT Plots, replotting OG Plots to NFT Plots, Wallet Management, Key Management and more.

  • St3ffn/move-plots

    CLI Tool to move chia plots from a source directory to a target directory with enough space left.

  • xchgarden/Chia-Plot-Checker

    Simple app for listing Chia plots and distinguishing between OG and NFT

  • hpool-in/chia-miner

    The miner for Chia. (OG)

  • Chia-Rio/chia-forks-fast-installer-scripts

    Скрипты для быстрой установки всех форков на linux

  • St3ffn/plots-left

    CLI Tool to estimate how many plots will still fit on your hard disk.
