
There are 4 repositories under chunk-reader topic.

  • aldipermanaetikaputra/chunkreader2

    Asynchronous, buffered, chunk-by-chunk file reader with customizable buffer size.

  • dimonnwc3/chunk-reader

    Read chunks from a file by delimiter and do some work async

  • JohnPapad/Web-Server-Crawler

    An implementation of three different, collaborative applications (web creator, server, crawler), using threads (producer-consumers), shared memory, mutexes and sockets.

  • divaamahajan/K-Most-Popular-Words

    Design and implement efficient python code to find top K words, analyze performance on 3 input files using metrics. Focus on reducing execution time by skipping stop words. Preserve case sensitivity. Provide analysis of algorithm and data structure used.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10