There are 245 repositories under class-components topic.
This repo is the index page for all the chapters that we will be learning in Namaste React Live Course by Akshay Saini..
BaseCamp clone | Backend: Ruby on Rails | Frontend: React with Redux
An React SPA to create a CV with. Comes with functionalities such as creating, editing and deleting nodes and downloading your finished CV as a PDF.
Coding Dojo VueJS & Vuetify based on Scorebat APIs
React Class/functional Component
A vueJS project which includes Navigation (vue-router), State management (vuex) all in an OOP Typescript flavour (class components and class state modules), inspired by the "Zero Penny Architecture" concept..
Built a Fullstack Blog with Next.js 13, v3, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, CMS, Auth, Preview Mode. Leveraging the power of Next.js Server components and Class components. This fullstack Blog is amazing for a content creator as well, because the job of managing the contents can be completely delegated to someone else, instead of a developer.
Aplicação React sobre os panetas do nosso sistema solar contendo imagens dos planetas e as missões conhecidas a cada um deles.
Projeto React Salary App
Udacity- A MyRead Book-Tracking app that allows client to select and gives the category books as you have read, currently reading, and wantToread. I also create a serch bar for searching the books and select option to move the books in selected category The project build by using React and I used provided API server and client library.
In this project, I have developed the Jobby App, an application that offers a user-friendly platform for job seekers. Users can log in and access a comprehensive list of job opportunities with various features, including search functionality by job title and filtering options based on salary range and employment type
Ecommerce website that allows users to buy Electronic products online
A simple web-based calculator app built with React class components for performing basic arithmetic operations.
Helpers functions arround useEffect hook to make your life easier.
Full-stack mini enterprise level ticket management 🎫 solution with customer, employee and ticket mappings built with MERN stack (Learning Project 🌱)
A simple todo list app, where the user can add, delete, or toggle the todo elements.
This is a short simple project of react (states). I have made it both with class and functional components. I have used bootstrap (customized) for responsiveness.
🚀 Social service
🚀 An opinionated "Bootstrap like" component classes CSS powered by TailwindCSS.
It's a playground of React where I just play around with different functionalities of React, trying out new things, etc.
A simple todo app.
Neste projeto desenvolvi web-app de carteira de controle de gastos com conversor de moedas utilizando Redux para gerenciar os estado global do app e evitar o prop drilling.
Jobby App is developed using reactjs and various NPM third party packages. we can authenticate user login and find jobs and also check the specific job details and requirements and also user can filter the jobs according to requirement of salary or type of employment. <------------>(LOGIN CREDENTIALS IN Credentials.png)
About ENHANCEMENT OF NXT TRENDZ - PAYMENT - Self Introduction and Project Explanation
Codecademy capstone project "Playlist maker using Spotify API". This Project will not include Spotify API on Github due to security reasons. Only on my local machine will this web app fully work.
React.js Class Components with a modern stack attached.
This is my repo on Reactjs the way I started to learn and master the ReactJS. Hope this would help you out!
Experience Classy-Weather-App: Your elegant weather companion, offering precise and stylish updates for your day. Enjoy its classic interface and timeless font, staying connected with nature effortlessly.
A react game counter for tracking for tracking the count.
A react picture identifying match game.
What this project is? it's a single page application using class based components, React app and what it lists is a bunch of these different monsters. You can also see the monsters and actually filter them using the search bar. It's a very simple application, but it teaches a lot about how React works and how React application is structured.
Namaste React🚀 From Zero to Hero🔥
Welcome to the Happy Burger website repository! This project is a fully responsive and interactive website for a fictional burger restaurant, built using React.js with class-based components and JavaScript.
The app must have the following functionalities Initially, the English language button should be active and the English greeting image should be displayed. When the user clicks on a language button, then the corresponding greeting image should be displayed..
The goal of this coding exam is to quickly get you off the ground with Lists and Keys.