
There are 20 repositories under climate-modeling topic.

  • mom-ocean/MOM6

    Modular Ocean Model

  • nasa/legacy-mars-global-climate-model

    We present the NASA Ames Legacy Mars Global Climate Model for public release. This model uses a modified version of the ARIES/GEOS dynamical core coupled with a set of Mars physics packages to simulate the martian climate. The physics packages include the treatment of surface properties, a ground temperature model, a planetary boundary layer scheme, water and carbon dioxide sublimation/condensation physics, a water ice cloud microphysical scheme, the use of a moment method for tracer transport, a semi-interactive dust tracking scheme, and a two-stream radiative transfer code based on correlated-k’s.

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  • ai2cm/pace

    Implementation of the FV3GFS / SHiELD atmospheric model in Python

  • geoschem/integrated_methane_inversion

    Integrated Methane Inversion workflow repository.

  • Rose-STL-Lab/spherical-dyffusion

    [NeurIPS 24] Probablistic Emulation of a Global Climate Model with Spherical DYffusion

  • jeehyunHwang/Neural-Diffusion-Equation

    NDE: Climate Modeling with Neural Diffusion Equation, ICDM'21

  • DanielGetter/Downscaling_SRCNN

    Code repository associated with "Statistical treatment of convolutional neural network super-resolution of inland surface wind for subgrid-scale variability quantification" (Getter, Bessac, Rudi, Feng).

  • JuliaDynamics/ConceptualClimateModels.jl

    ConceptualClimateModels.jl is a Julia package for creating and analysing conceptual models of climate, such as energy balance models, glaciation cycle models, or climate tipping models.

  • jeongwhanchoi/Neural-Diffusion-Equation

    Climate Modeling with Neural Diffusion Equation, ICDM'21

  • paulaharder/aerosol-microphysics-emulation

    A project on emulating an aerosol microphysics model, including physical constraints in the Deep Learning architecture.

  • jeongwhanchoi/NADE

    Climate Modeling with Neural Advection-Diffusion Equation, Springer KAIS

  • johannesuhl/cru_data_processing

    A python script to access, visualize and extract time series of CRU long-term climate data at discrete locations

  • gclimon/simplePhysicsML

    Repo for creating machine learning emulators for simplified physics schemes in climate models.

  • Gokkulnath/SVM-Experiments

    A Novel Clustered Support Vector Machine with Reduced Support Vectors for Big Data Classification

  • Mihir-DG/Modelling-Planetary-Climate

    Quantifying accuracy drawbacks across various 1d and 0d methods of modelling large-scale Earth systems and interpreting results through the lens of spectroscopy, radiative transfer and thermodynamics.

  • lw602/Samalas-1257

    Part III Project

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  • nosolls/geos-singularity

    Singularity containers for using GEOS fixtures.

  • pidgm/

    PIDGM - Paleo Isotopic Dynamics in a Global Model

  • viictor-m/TCC

    Análise das Rodadas Operacionais do CAM 3.1

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  • ipbssrs/RO11-Climate

    SSRS RO11 - Climate Dynamics Research Group is a research group of IPB SSRS Association