
There are 7 repositories under clyphx topic.

  • ldrolez/clyphx-live11

    ClyphX advanced macros and scripting for Ableton Live 12, 11 and 10

  • axoplasma/AxoInstruct

    Multi-user cue lists and stage instructions with Ableton Live, ClyphX Pro and OSC

  • axoplasma/AxoInstructV2

    Flexible multi-user cue lists and stage instructions with Ableton Live, ClyphX Pro and TouchOSC Mk2. It provides and extended feature set compared to the original version, can be easily configured via JSON files and makes use of TouchOSC MK2's scripting capabilities on a variety of platforms.

  • dotherightthing/traktor-live-v1

    Traktor Pro mix template for the KORG nanoKEY/nanoKONTROL Studio MIDI controllers.

  • RickyWander/ClyphX-Pro-FxBuss-Morpher

    Multiple Fx Morpher with presets and external display for Ableton

  • odisfm/zcx-core

    zcx + ClyphX Pro turns your matrix-equipped MIDI controller into a custom control surface for Ableton Live

  • Hyperdimensionals/clyphx_influencer_actions

    Ableton Live ClyphX User Actions, including: Adjust a triggered scene's set tempo based on recent tempo changes.
