
There are 4 repositories under co-occurence-network topic.

  • psaisan/CARTMAN

    CARTMAN: Co-occurrence Analysis of Repeating Transcription-factor Motifs And Networks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • Joselu14/Co-occurrence_networks_philosophy_theses_PUCP

    This is a brief exercise on co-occurrence networks employing real data from philosophy PUCP theses.

  • NineFR09/Microorganisms-10020338---Diatom-Biogeography-across-Australian-Coastal-Waters

    To explore diatom community structure dynamic and distribution over time (8years) around Australian coastal water (IMOS NRS station) and to identify abiotic (e.i. temperature, nutrients.. etc) and biotic (bacteria) factor that influence them. This was through analysis of 18S and 16S rRNA data available form the Australaian Microbiome Initiative.

  • takeYY/Gitai

    江戸川乱歩作品の分析アプリ. 形態素解析 / データ集計 / 共起ネットワークの機能を内包している
