There are 51 repositories under code-first-migration topic.
Desktop Based Hospital CRM in C#
A perfect role management App using Asp.Net Core for starting a project with complete management module
The purpose of the project is to provide users with a system developed with the latest technology like Angular, Angular Ngrx, .Net Core Web Api to create their own specific post.
.NET Core Web sample of candidate interviewer system. Solution includes: web site (ASP.NET Core Web Application), ORM (Entity Framework, Code First), Database (Microsoft SQL Server 2019). Web site allows job applicants to be tested in a selected subject. After passing the test, the system processes the results of the responses and displays a table with the final grades. The employer can see which of the candidates received the highest marks and contact them.
.Net Core 3.0 Web Api design versioning, Jwt, Swagger, xUnit, Serilog, EF Core, DI, Repository, Docker
In this repository, the blog project I developed with .net core has deleting, updating, adding and listing features for all controllers. I used the classes I mapped using IOC container by matching them in .netcore's built-in ioc container.
Blog Site Project with Asp.Net Core 5.0, Layered Architecture, Entity Framework, LINQ
MVC Dictionary Site Project with Layered Architecture
Backend parts of wordmeister project
Movie Rental Store, ASP.NET MVC 5 Course
2020, PJATK, Aplikacje Baz Danych, Final Project, Summary of what I have learned during the course
Website I made during my internship: Layered Architecture, MySQL, .Net Framework 5.0, EntityFramework, LINQ
Library Automation website with ASP.NET MVC
Asp.Net Mvc5 ile Tatil & Seyahat Sitesi
Restaurant reservation system using Entity Framework Core and API endpoints with ASP.Net Core.
This project is a template for a basic application for Hair Salon. It is created to demonstate some of the features of .Net framework like Authentication, MVC, API, Entity Framework etc. To be used for learning purpose only.
Playground Docker and Docker Compose with: ASPNET Core 2.2 & mssql-server-linux
Dot Net & C# Preparation Guide
Bookish is a web-based system for Book Libraries, developed using ASP.NET MVC5, Restful Web API's, JavaScript and SQL using code first approach. Staff member has to register to view the contents of this web application, through which one will be able to view books and its details and even search, sort them, pagination is also provided. Customers will be able to rent books based on membership types (Pay as you go or in discount rates). Only logins with Admin rights will be able to to do CRUD on customers and books. Non-admin customers will only have read only access to books. A staff member can also login through social accounts (Google/Facebook). Finally, authentication and authorization are implemented along with Anti Forgery Token to tackle CSRF.
A web implementation of a learning management system
.NET Core backend application developed as an Intern at a software providing company.
Bus, train, launch, air ticket booking application
API used in Quote-Calculator-MVC project that operates the db operations and also provide url link for the quote calculator.
Entity Framework DB, Code First Method, Linq-SqL, MS-SQL, C#
This is very simple sample for Code-First approach EF Core in Docker.
In the first half of my project, which I started to design in a personalized and dynamic way, I continued with a different main theme choice, and at a certain point, thinking that this theme choice would be insufficient, I continued to develop my project from Part 2 with a new theme.
I learned a lot of new information such as Identity Framework / Authorization procedures / Bringing the project live / etc. on this website, which I designed in a personalized and dynamic way.
Web application I designed during my software internship. I used Entity Framework during the construction phase. As a means of accessing the database, I preferred the Code-First approach. Also, I used MVC as the Model.
Beginners to advanced roadmap!
.Net Core Web API Invoice Management Code for net 8.0
ASP .NET, MVC, Entity Framework, LINQ, MSSQL, Layout Template, HTML
Simple CRUD using Entity Framework Core 7
Hello Everyone, This is Csharp WebAPI tutorial where I have given steps for Code first approach methodology from scratch (check