There are 6 repositories under code-readability topic.
Transform your TypeScript project with ease using the relative-to-alias-resolver. This powerful tool converts cumbersome relative imports into clean, maintainable alias imports, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
Library of annotations for humans
Librarium is a Java-based project developed in December 2022, featuring RESTful APIs built with Spring Boot to improve backend functionality. Maven was used for dependency management and project builds. The project included comprehensive testing with JUnit 5 and MockMvc to ensure reliability.
This is the repository of the all of the data used in the paper "Evaluation of the code quality generated by Generative AI"
Escribir un código limpio es crucial para que otros desarrolladores (y tú mismo en el futuro) lo entiendan y mantengan. Hoy te comparto 5 consejos clave para mejorar la legibilidad y mantenibilidad de tu código.
TaskList is a sample Android application that demonstrates the use of Android Room database for task management. It allows users to add tasks with different priorities, delete tasks by swiping, and provides a simple and intuitive interface.