
There are 30 repositories under cognitive-psychology topic.

  • terracotta-education/terracotta

    Terracotta (a portmanteau of Tool for Education Research with RAndomized COnTrolled TriAls) is a plug-in to the learning management system that allows the contents of online assignments to be differentiated for experimental treatment variations, and to be assigned randomly to different groups of students. Terracotta also enables privacy protections for student participants, such as informed consent that is hidden from the teacher, filtering of non-consenting participants from result summaries and data exports, and removal of student identifiers from these exports. Terracotta's goal is to lower the technical and methodological barriers to conducting more rigorous and responsible education research.

  • brainfit-paper


    Paper, code, and data related to the paper "Fitness tracking reveals task-specific associations between memory, mental health, and exercise" by Jeremy R. Manning, Gina M. Notaro, Esme Chen, and Paxton C. Fitzpatrick

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11402
  • Nikeshbajaj/phyaat

    PhyAAt: Physiology of Auditory Attention - Processing Library

  • Neuroscientific-Foundations-of-Creativity-Ideation-and-Problem-Solving


    Critical review of neuroscientific insights on creativity, ideation, and problem-solving. Explores cognitive enhancement strategies and applications in innovation. Published on Zenodo with DOI:

  • amharrison/jactr-core

    jACT-R Core (Maven build)

  • bramzandbelt/StPy

    Stop-signal task in Python

  • asolbas/AD-CogNet

    Study of a cognitive domain network in Alzheimer's disease patients using graph theory.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2210
  • focus1691/stroop-test

    Stroop Test HTML5 Game

  • Lakshmiaddepalli/Human-Priors-and-Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for_Video-Games

    Computational Cognitive modelling, Reinforcement Learning NYU Spring 2020, Dr Brenden Lake and Dr. Todd Gureckis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2302
  • mbroedl/cognitive-tasks-for-expyriment

    A battery of cognitive tasks for the python toolkit expyriment. Programmed for the use on android and desktop devices.

  • BarbaraMath/Lexical_Decision_Task

    Lexical Decision Task - task testing semantic memory

  • dicemt/matsuyoshi_selfreport_facerecognition

    :white_check_mark: Behavioral face recognition opendata and code for Matsuyoshi & Watanabe (2021) Psychol Res

  • g-corbelli/reflectR

    reflectR v. 2.1.3: automatic scoring of the Cognitive Reflection Test. (The package is available on CRAN, this space is used for testing new features or improving the code)

  • rhochgraf21/MentorLM

    Repository for "We Need Mentors, Not Oracles: Experiments In Building Effective Teaching Assistant LLMs", as presented at the RIT Center for Teaching and Learning AI Symposium (2024).

  • ubiq-x/rspan

    Reading span (RSPAN) task.

  • a-asen/instructions-cue-2023

    We investigated whether the instruction-based congruency effect could be adjusted to an explicit cue. Find the thesis at Munin:

  • CANlab-IDC/differences-wm-capacity-analysis-2019

    Differences in Working Memory Capacity Affect Online Spoken Word Recognition: Evidence from Eye-Movements

  • cognitionswitch/decisionscience

    Modeling ideas related to economics, behavioral economics, cognitive psychology, and data science.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • dlundgaard/psychopy-demo

    Simple demo for showcasing the PsychoPy library using an experiment on reaction times in various conditions.

  • evdkv/eyemovement-cleaning

    A short R notebook for cleaning eye movement datasets produced by EPrime

  • jdfmart/memory-organization

    A collection of tools to analyze free-recall task outputs, that can be useful when studying organization in memory.

  • jimichanga77/StroopImageCreate

    The code developed in this uses python to create images for a Stroop task (i.e. colour words in different colours) from a stimuli list.

  • JuwonHwang/2022SOSC441

    This is team project for SOSC440 in Postech

  • lidulyan/Pylyshyn-Storm-1988

    A submission to the experiment coding competition "MARVIN" organised by Think Cognitive Think Science

  • n-shenoy/flanker-task-game

    Repository for an Unreal Engine video game based on the Eriksen Flanker task, a psychological task used to measure the ability to suppress incorrect or inappropriate responses.

  • The-Pi-Matrix


    The Pi Matrix is a generative tool used in ideation, creativity techniques and project completion. I

  • duke-BRITE-lab


    Duke University Department of Psychology & Neuroscience BRITE Lab

  • AlexCoroiu/card-sorting

    a desktop card sorting application to uncover underlying mental models in participants

  • ftvision/paper-compilation

    A collection of papers

  • JunoNgx/working-memory-test

    A cognitive test of working memory for a research project, implemented in ReactJS
