
There are 6 repositories under cognonic topic.

  • cognonic/on-premise-kubernetes

    There are many reasons that the natural inclination to look at the cloud for execution of Kubernetes data science analytics workloads may not be the best first choice for some organizations but CNCF still shows the way forward towards structuring both infrastructure and applications to embrace on-premise environments that enable either eventual or simultaneous scale out to cloud based services. This is an important Cognonic focus topic and reference documentation.

  • cognonic/The-Big-Tech-Players-GitHub-List

    :vs: Fast, easy, catagorized and opinionated access to many of the large Big Tech Companies such as Microsoft and their projects on GitHub such as .NET Core, ASP.NET, UWP, Azure, Machine Learning, Cognitive Services, Office and over 1800 repos. Considering the scope, this Cognonic doc will always be incomplete.

  • cognonic/The-Cognitive-and-ML-List

    :chart: Cognitive Services, ML, Machine Learning, Data Ingestion, Azure, Docker, Container, R, Python, C#, Java, Hadoop, Spark etc. This is also a Cognonic reference doc.

  • cognonic/Augmented-Reality-Hololens

    Information and OSS projects the cover Microsoft HoloLens Data Visualization, virtual reality, augmented reality, Windows Mixed Reality, data science, big data, business intelligence. This is also a Cognonic reference doc.

  • cognonic/awesome-AI-kubernetes

    :snowflake: :whale: Awesome tools and libs for AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Science, Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing that are baked in the oven to be Native on Kubernetes and Docker with Python, R, Scala, Java, C#, Go, Julia, C++, Cognonic, etc.

  • cognonic/The-React-List

    :space_invader: React, Relux, Redux, Reflux, ReGurgitate, Gatsby, Hugo, JavaScript, TypeScript and more. This is also a Cognonic reference doc.