
There are 46 repositories under collaborative-learning topic.

  • securefederatedai/openfl

    An open framework for Federated Learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook70421243186
  • epfml/disco

    DISCO is a code-free and installation-free browser platform that allows any non-technical user to collaboratively train machine learning models without sharing any private data.

  • ai4ce/DiscoNet

    [NeurIPS2021] Learning Distilled Collaboration Graph for Multi-Agent Perception

  • coperception/coperception

    An SDK for multi-agent collaborative perception.

  • PrivPkt/PrivPkt

    Privacy Preserving Collaborative Encrypted Network Traffic Classification (Differential Privacy, Federated Learning, Membership Inference Attack, Encrypted Traffic Classification)

  • oleg-koval/

    a collaborative collection of interview questions collected from both sides of the game: Interviewer(s) and Interviewee.

  • mc2-project/secure-xgboost

    Secure collaborative training and inference for XGBoost.

  • fhaghighi/DiRA

    Official PyTorch Implementation for DiRA: Discriminative, Restorative, and Adversarial Learning for Self-supervised Medical Image Analysis - CVPR 2022

  • XinyiYS/CollaborativeFairFederatedLearning

    Official implementation of our work "Collaborative Fairness in Federated Learning."

  • RutgersDM/DKGR

    Learning to Walk with Dual Agents for Knowledge Graph Reasoning (AAAI'22)

  • ctuning/ck-analytics

    Collective Knowledge repository with actions to unify the access to different predictive analytics engines (scipy, R, DNN) from software, command line and web-services via CK JSON API:

  • notes


    Um repositório de código aberto para desenvolvedores compartilharem conhecimento e experiência. Vamos aprender e crescer juntos! 🚀

  • fedstellar


    Fedstellar: A Platform for Decentralized Federated Learning

  • enriquetomasmb/nebula

    NEBULA: A Platform for Decentralized Federated Learning

  • sujaudd1n/learnlang

    Simple and efficient way to learn a new programming language.

  • gtoffoli/commons

    A Collaborative Learning platform: cataloging and remixing of Open Educational Resources (OER), e-mentoring and e-tutoring, Learning Analytics (LA), and more.

  • ligerfotis/maze3d_collaborative

    Human-Agent Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • XinyiYS/CML-RewardDistribution

    The code for the paper "Incentivizing Collaboration in Machine Learning via Synthetic Data Rewards" AAAI'22 Oral Presentation.

  • AbdElOuadoudK/FL-based_CyberIDS

    Vertical Federated Learning-based Architecture for Cyber Intrusion Detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3
  • betty-gures/wE-Learning-website

    Repository of SWE573, Spring semester 2022, Boğaziçi University. This project is about developing a platform where people can learn, teach and socialize, completely for free. On this platform, members can create pages about topics they are learning about and post all kinds of resourses and learning materials.

  • MounaBelaid/First-Steps-in-Learning-the-Use-of-Git-and-GitHub-in-RStudio

    Slides for the RStudio Enterprise Community Meetup

  • sicambria/changemappers

    Changemakers want to solve big social problems. Changemappers help them find & support each other and long-lasting impactful systemic change.

  • KanekiKen1803/Federated-Learning

    Demonstration of unintentional leakage of private data in federated learning environment using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

  • Kasneci-Lab/TurboSVM-FL

    [AAAI-24] TurboSVM-FL: Boosting Federated Learning through SVM Aggregation for Lazy Clients

  • shreyasY2k/Collaborative-Compiler

    Collaborative compiler with support for Pair Programming

  • spoluan/federated_learning_mnistdigit

    Decentralized and Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning: Exploring the Power of Federated Learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • domsca/AIworkshop

    Welcome to the "Harnessing the Power of AI" workshop! This GitHub repository serves as a comprehensive resource for participants seeking hands-on learning and in-depth understanding of AI concepts, techniques, and tools.

  • hfattor/data-analytics-project1

    Python script in Jupyter Notebooks to analyze Pandas DataFrames of UFO sightings and generate visualizations relating sighting frequency to state population between 1950-2000 in MatPlotLib.

  • ptpam/leetcode

    Explore and contribute to a diverse collection of LeetCode solutions, neatly categorized and collaboratively refined.

  • sattviksahai/Collaborative-Learning-Simulator

    A python library to simulate Collaborative Deep Learning. It provides the flexibility to simulate various network architectures, Collaborative Learning Stratergies, and privacy invasion attacks. Currently built for Pytorch, this library is a work in progress.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • somnoynadno/python-collab

    Virtual classroom for teaching Python 3 programming language

  • X5GON/x5moodle

    New Moodle activity plugin based on 2 key ideas: 1) providing AI-based smart tools for delivering open resources as a support during the course session and 2) evolving the tools through the usage-based approaches rather than focusing on the user data

  • XinyiYS/Parametric-Bayesian-Learning-Games

    Official implementation of our ICML'22 paper: "On the Convergence of the Shapley Value in Parametric Bayesian Learning Games".

  • yvgupta03/MLOPs_Collaborative_ML_with_Homomorphic_Encryption

    Collaborative Machine Learning approach to train a mode that classifies a person as smoker or non-smoker based on the user data. The distributed approach of training is done with secure model transmissions to central cloud location where Amazon EC2 instance aggregates the new model based on new training received in Homomorphically Encrypted forms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • AnonymWriter/CycleSL

    CycleSL: Server-Client Cyclical Update Driven Scalable Split Learning

  • usmana5809/Smart-Learning-Management-System

    A web-based Learning Management System designed to revolutionize the traditional chalk and board style of learning. This application provides a platform for students and teachers to access and share essential study materials and resources, manage assignments, and facilitate collaborative learning
