
There are 9 repositories under colorswitch topic.

  • aniansh19019/Allegiance-JavaFX-Game

    CSE 201 Advanced Programming Final Project. This is a clone of the popular mobile game, Color Switch, with a classic space shooter theme. Here's a video of the gameplay:

  • vchraf/hyper-casualGames

    ColorSwitch, FlappyBird

  • fredygerman/ColorSwitch

    A remake of the popular mobile game 'Color Switch'

  • henricomaeda/Schadule

    Schadule is a dark-mode mobile app built with React Native. It features real-time updated time, colorful event display, a user-friendly form, national holiday integration via API, and intelligent event sorting. Stay organized effortlessly with this sleek and efficient scheduling tool.

  • APColab/ColorSwitch

    A game developed using JavaFx for Advanced Programming for Monsoon 2020 semester.

  • krag-harsh/ColorSwitch

    This game is the final project for our Advance Programming course

  • nikosnikitas/background-switcher

    A background switcher application in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Click the button and switch background color!

  • yatharthtaneja/ColorSwitch-javafx

    Created a modified version of the game ColorSwitch using java and javaFx library. The game has some additional features such as developers mode, Light and dark mode . All the assets and animation are made in java itself .

  • AbdulRahman9075/ColourSwitchGame

    This project is a replication of the popular mobile game "Color Switch" using C++ and the SFML library and is built as a 2nd Semester project for the CS1004 Object Oriented Programming Course. Project Contributers: @AbdulRahman9075, @Sadiq-Amin, @jagdesh666
