
There are 4 repositories under combinatorics-on-words topic.

  • francofrizzo/marvellous-sequences

    Souce code for my MSc Thesis in Computer Science “Nested Marvellous Sequences”

  • andreyomatveev/partitions-negative-parts-vertex-decompositions

    A Haskell module exporting five functions that implement enumeration mechanisms described in Theorem 6.4 from the monograph A.O. Matveev, Symmetric Cycles, Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023, and illustrated in Example 6.5.

  • andreyomatveev/smirnov-words

    A Haskell SmirnovWordsModule.hs module exporting six functions for calculating the numbers of Smirnov words over three-letter and four-letter alphabets. Based on Appendix A of the monograph A.O. Matveev, Symmetric Cycles, Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023.

  • andreyomatveev/unions-negative-parts-vertex-decompositions

    A Haskell module exporting functions that implement enumeration mechanisms described in Theorems 7.5, 7.7, 7.9 and 7.11 from the monograph A.O. Matveev, Symmetric Cycles, Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023, and illustrated in Examples 7.6, 7.8, 7.10 and 7.12.
