
There are 40 repositories under community-content topic.

  • CC-Healing-Buff


    The Healing Buff component can be used by players when they need to heal themselves. They can enter the area and receive healing over time while in the area. This could be useful for players that come back from fighting enemies that need to recover their health.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3401
  • CC-NFT-DNA-Generator


    The DNA Generator is a tool that can be used to generate content based on traits from NFTs. It can load in a specific NFT, display a random NFT from a collection, and can also be used to build your NFT by outputting the trait type and trait value to the Event Log for you to easily use on OpenSea.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3302
  • CC-NFT-Random-Cosmetic


    The NFT Random Cosmetic component will give players the ability to run through a trigger and receive a random box cosmetic that is attached to the head socket. These cosmetics are NFTs that have been lazy minted on OpenSea.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3401
  • CC-NFT-Searcher


    NFT Searcher is a component that allows users to search for a specific NFT and display it on an image.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3401
  • CC-Player-List


    The Player List component will show who is in-game to all players. Knowing who is in-game can improve the experience for players and can make the game feel more alive and active.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3401
  • CC-Sprint


    Sprinting in games can help the player get from one point to another more quickly. This is useful if mounts are disabled (i.e., don't fit the theme of the game) and you need the player to have the option to increase their speed.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3401
  • CC-Talking-Heads


    The Talking Heads component allows you to have animated actors show up in the UI that displays some dialogue to the player. This can be far more interesting to the player, as the actor can be animated to show emotion depending on what they are saying in the message.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3401
  • CC-Triggerable-UI


    Triggerable UI is a component that implements logic on a trigger to display a UI Container.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format3401
  • CC-Bounce-Pad


    The bounce pad component will allow creators to place these around the map which could be used to get to certain areas of the level that could be unreachable by other means.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-Camera-Orbit-Animation


    Camera Orbit Animation is a component to have a project start with a camera orbiting a center point and displaying a UI container.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-Damageable-Healthbar


    The Damageable Health bar component will show a health bar for objects that can take damage and die. For example, the damageable objects in Core Content. This component can be added as a child and will look for the damageable object above it.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-NFT-Display-Attributes


    The NFT Display Attributes component will display the attributes of an NFT in the UI. Attributes are a great way to create content in Core. You can read the attributes of an NFT and do something based on the attributes.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-NFT-Loot-Drop


    The NFT Loot Crate component will allow you to add loot crates to your game that drop down for each player.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format21
  • CC-NFT-Shareable-Links


    The NFT Shareable Links component makes copying URLs to NFTs a lot easier by using the Text Entry Box.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-Player-Indicator


    The Player Indicator component will add an indicator above all player's heads in the game so that players can easily find where other players are in the game.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-Player-Shadow


    The player shadow component will show a shadow blob below the player on the ground when they are in the air.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-Shared-Pickups


    The Shared Pickups component will allow you to place pickups in your game that can be picked up by all players. Instead of pickups becoming a race to who can get them first, every player will have a chance to collect the pickup.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-Teleporter


    The Teleporter component allows creators to set up teleporters around their map to help players quickly travel between different areas.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format21
  • CC-Weapon-Spawner


    Weapon Spawner is a template that spawns a weapon item for the player to equip.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-Weapon-Switcher


    Weapon Switcher is a template that allows players to switch between multiple weapons.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format2401
  • CC-NFT-Image-Display


    The NFT Image Display component will display a UI image with a loading animation while it fetches the NFT to be displayed. You can add as many of the NFT Images as you like, as the component will auto-set them when fetching a collection.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format1401
  • CC-Player-Health


    The Player Health component will show a health bar and health number in the UI so the player can see how much health they have left. This is useful for games when health management is important. A player Knowing their health helps them be more cautious and strategic.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format1401
  • CC-Player-Names


    The Player Names component is a lightweight component for showing the names above the player's heads. This is useful for players to be able to see who is in the game and where they are.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format1401
  • CC-Resource-Display


    The Resource Display component helps with show resources to the player in the UI so they can see how much of a resource they have. This component uses a data table of resources so any resource can be displayed along with an easy way to reorder the resources.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format140
  • CC-VIP-Entrance


    VIP Entrance is a component that restrict users from a certain team from entering.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format1401
  • CC-Chat-Rewards


    Chat Rewards gives players a reward if they type a certain phrase into the chat.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format
  • CC-Checkpoints


    The Checkpoints component allows players to save spawn locations based on certain actions.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format
  • CC-Cinematic-Shot


    This component pans a camera from point A to B. It can be used for both capturing video and for in-game cinematic moments. For complex sequences with multiple shots simply add copies of this template as needed and setup their sequence numbers to create a chain.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format
  • CC-Costume-Equipper


    The Costume Equipper component makes it easy to create and equip costumes on players. It uses the new costume retarget component to handle bone offsets which allow proportional editing.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format
  • CC-Loadouts


    The Loadouts component will give players the ability to switch their loadout in game. It comes with a simple loadout menu for players to select which loadout they want. It also contains a hotbar to allow for quick switching of their weapon/equipment.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format
  • CC-Main-Menu


    The Main Menu gives creators an very simple way to create a main menu for players that shows up when loading into the game.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format412
  • CC-NFT-Slideshow


    NFT Slideshow allows creators to display NFTs in a slideshow format.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format
  • CC-Player-Damage-Area


    This component can be used to apply a damage over time to the player when they are in a area. The area can be resized and moved easily, and multiple areas can be created.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format
  • CC-Throwable-Chairs


    The Throwable Chairs component allows players to pickup a chair and throw it at other players, causing them to be killed. This adds a fun component to social spaces.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format40
  • CC-VIP-Team-Selection


    VIP Team Selection selects player to certain teams based if they have VIP status.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format40
  • CC-VIP-Teleporter


    The VIP Teleporter component allows creators to set up teleporters that checks if a player is VIP.

    Language:Protocol Buffer Text Format