
There are 7 repositories under community-modeling topic.

  • ufs-community/ufs-weather-model

    UFS Weather Model

  • miguel-porto/eicm

    Explicit Interaction Community Models

  • franciscozorrilla/Chalmers-iGEM2018

    COM-dFBA is a MATLAB based COMmunity Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis framework developed by the Chalmers iGEM 2018 team. For this work, we were nominated for best modeling at the Giant Jamboree.

  • farrmt/HMSDS

    Farr, M.T., Green, D.S., Holekamp, K.E., Roloff, G.J., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Multi-species hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives. Ecological Applications 9(2): e01845.

  • farrmt/Green_etal_2019_PTRS

    Green, D.S., Farr, M.T., Holekamp, K.E., Strauss, E.D., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Can hyena behavior predict abundances of sympatric carnivores? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 374(1781): 20180052.

  • zipkinlab/Farr_etal_2019_EcoApps

    Farr, M.T., Green, D.S., Holekamp, K.E., Roloff, G.J., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Multi-species hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives. Ecological Applications 9(2): e01845.

  • zipkinlab/Green_etal_2019_PTRS

    Green, D.S., Farr, M.T., Holekamp, K.E., Strauss, E.D., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Can hyena behavior predict abundances of sympatric carnivores? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 374(1781): 20180052.