
There are 346 repositories under completed topic.

  • mobizt/Firebase-ESP32

    [DEPRECATED]🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP32. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.

  • Firebase-ESP8266


    [DEPRECATED] 🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP8266 and RP2040 Pico. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.



    | SCHOOL_42_UPDATE 2020 | This repository contains many versions of completed and commented out tasks for each day of the very first "Piscine C"( Program | Course | Programing | Coding | School 42 | Ecole 42 | School 21 | Школа 42 | Школа 21 ) Этот репозиторий содержит множество версий выполненных и закомментированных задач на каждый день самого первого "Бассейна по Си".

  • cybercussion/SCOBot

    SCORM API for Content. JavaScript library, QUnit tests and examples.

  • LoadingByte/are-gnn-defenses-robust

    Adaptive evaluation reveals that most examined adversarial defenses for GNNs show no or only marginal improvement in robustness. (NeurIPS 2022)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook29344
  • kaiten-yaki


    Ubuntu / Void Linux Install script for Full Disk Encryption

  • LoadingByte/nexus3-exporter

    A little script for downloading all assets inside a Nexus 3 repository, following the repository's format (e.g., Maven 2).

  • LoadingByte/neural-gaussian-scale-space-fields

    Learning neural fields that produce Gaussian-smoothed versions of the original signal. (SIGGRAPH 2024)

  • niaridania/social-media-website

    A Responsive Social Media Website With Theme Customization Using HTML CSS & JavaScript

  • arkapg211002/SEM-5-CSE

    All lab assignments and text books for SEM 5 CSE at TMSL (under MAKAUT) 2023-24

    Language:Vim Script12100
  • ConnorKirkpatrick/E220Lib

    Arduino library used for Ebyte E220 modules

  • copev313/Extract-Stock-Sentiment-From-News-Headlines

    We scrape news headlines for FB and TSLA then apply sentiment analysis to generate investment insight.

  • marcoshsq/SQLBasicsForDataScience

    This repository contains my projects and assignments developed during the Learn SQL Basics for Data Science Specialization available on Coursera.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9104
  • Suniksha12/TCS_CodeVita

    This is the solution provided for TCS Code Vita _2024 make sure your dont copy paste the same, use your brain, The code provided seen toh have some or the other problem , read the readme file and the answer script with marked comments.

  • marcoshsq/IBMDataScience

    Repository containing the projects developed during the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate Specialization. Six in total.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6204
  • LoadingByte/telegram-text-extractor

    A tool to extract raw chatlog text from Telegram JSON exports.

  • federicobaldini/web-rendering-engine

    A simple web rendering engine for HTML and CSS, using Rust.

  • LoadingByte/timeXplain

    Explain the predictions of any time series classifier or value predictor using model-agnostic and model-specific algorithms.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • buvnswrn/Smart-Home-Manager

    An IoT Application that users facial recognition for Home Automation

  • federicobaldini/book-collection

    A web application that shows my personal book collection, using Vue.

  • geekelo/space-travelers-hub

    A web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The application will allow users to book rockets and join selected space missions.

  • jgesc/AdventOfCode2020

    These are my solutions for Advent of Code 2020 written in Nim. Last Update: Day 25

  • LoadingByte/sts-inquiry

    A powerful web-based search engine for the railway signal boxes from the game StellwerkSim.

  • PY4E


    This repository contains the projects and assignments developed during the Python for Everybody Specialization available on Coursera.

  • suikan4github/template_library

    A template library for C++ with CMake and GoogleTest

  • amainooti/Simple-e-commerce

    An e-commerce api with Shopping cart logic, payment gateway integration (Paystack), product inventory management, Cloud storage solution, Smtp integration, all packaged in a docker container and GitHub action for CI/CD

  • codewithdark-git/50-Days-of-Python

    Over the next 50 days, we'll be embarking on an exciting Python journey, exploring a diverse range of topics through a series of small, hands-on projects. Whether you're a beginner looking to sharpen your skills or an experienced developer seeking new challenges, this series is for you!

  • Factoria-F5-dev/technical-interviews

    Cómo afrontar y superar con éxito las pruebas técnicas

  • federicobaldini/frontend-framework

    A web application that contains a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces (similar to React), that provides a proof of concept of it, using TypeScript.

  • federicobaldini/life-game

    A web application that plays the John Conway's Game of Life, using TypeScript, Rust and WebAssembly.

  • federicobaldini/spinning-donut

    A simple command-line application that spin in loop a 2d donut made of characters, using Rust.

  • federicobaldini/website-status-checker

    A simple command-line application to check the given website (by url) status, using Go.

  • PramudithaWeerakoon/Laksala-Website

    **Laksala Sri Lanka Website** Modern website for Laksala, showcasing traditional Sri Lankan handicrafts. Explore live demo: [Laksala Sri Lanka]( Tech stack: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP.

  • suikan4github/cloud-init-raspi

    cloud-init to setup the Raspberry Pi 2/3/Zero 2 for Ubuntu Server

  • suikan4github/EL-210-MOD

    Alternative circuit for SHARP EL-210 calculator