
There are 298 repositories under computer-network topic.

  • The-Complete-FAANG-Preparation


    This repository contains all the DSA (Data-Structures, Algorithms, 450 DSA by Love Babbar Bhaiya, FAANG Questions), Technical Subjects (OS + DBMS + SQL + CN + OOPs) Theory+Questions, FAANG Interview questions, and Miscellaneous Stuff (Programming MCQs, Puzzles, Aptitude, Reasoning). The Programming languages used for demonstration are C++, Python, and Java.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10.2k163402.3k
  • wolverinn/Waking-Up

    计算机基础(计算机网络/操作系统/数据库/Git...)面试问题全面总结,包含详细的follow-up question以及答案;全部采用【问题+追问+答案】的形式,即拿即用,直击互联网大厂面试;可用于模拟面试、面试前复习、短期内快速备战面试...

  • PansonPanson/Java-Notes

    :books: 计算机科学基础知识、Java开发、后端/服务端、面试相关 :books: computer-science/Java-development/backend/interview

  • baquer/GATE-and-CSE-Resources-for-Students

    📚 📖 📚CSE GATE Resources for GATE and CSE Aspirants 😎 😁 . Show your ❤️ by ⭐️⭐️

  • cw1997/NATBypass

    一款lcx在golang下的实现, 可用于内网穿透, 建立TCP反弹隧道用以绕过防火墙入站限制等, This tool is used to establish reverse tunnel in NAT network environment, it can bypass firewall inbound restriction, support all functions of lcx.exe

  • loversgzl/Learning


  • rccoder/HIT-Computer-Network


  • tmnhs/go-interview-resume


  • gbudny93/RouterOS_Useful_Scripts

    MikroTik RouterOS Useful Scripts for various use

  • College-Network


    Design college network on cisco packet tracer.

  • lio-zero/blog

    I hope my content can help you. Now I focus on the front-end field, but I will also share what I see and feel in my limited time.✨✨

  • li-xiao-shuang/blog


  • rajvi-patel-22/Internet-Radio-Multicasting-multimedia-over-IP

    This project will work as mentioned below.First, Client will send a join request to the server to join the multicast group.After that Server will provide station list, site info to the client through TCP. Then whichever station it selects from the station list, it is connected to that station.All the stations are sending data, irrespective of client is connected or not. This functionality is incorporated to relate more with real life situation, e.g Tv/radio sends data even though there is no receiver connected.Whenever receiver connects to a particular station, it starts receiving live-streaming videos from that station. Receiver can pause, resume, change station or even terminate at any given time from GUI using thread.

  • prabhuvashwin/Computer-Networks

    GBN and SR simulation, Distance Vector Algorithm Simulation

  • CSIT_Labs


    Contains all the lab codes necessary for CSIT students.

  • Ahmad-Magdy-Osman/ComputerNetworks

    :spider_web: Client-Server, Sockets, DNS, TCP/IP, Web Server, Ping, Traceroute, Web Server, Routing, Top-Down Layered Model :satellite:

  • shantanu-ai/P2P-File-sharing

    This repository is created as a part of the P2p project for Computer Networks (CNT5106C) at the University of Florida for the Master's in Computer Science program. A simplified P2p network where any number of peers can share any type of file among themselves. Implemented in Java.

  • deysarkarswarup/ChitChat

    A simple group chat Application using Java Socket Programming. A simple GUI demonstration on localhost is shown below... This can be implemented over LAN connected machines by using their IP Address..

  • H-K-R/Cisco-Packet-Tracer

    This repository contains various network models and designs to learn Cisco Packet Tracer. This is also a part of my Computer Network Course.

  • H-K-R/CSE3152-Computer-Networks-Lab

    An SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server is an application that's primary purpose is to send, receive, and/or relay outgoing mail between email senders and receivers.

  • JyotiKumari2/Crack-Your-Placement

    🎯 Repo for placement-preparation, DSA, Problem-Solving, Competitive Programming, CS-Fundamentals

  • LMC117/HIT-ComputerNetwork-2021Autumn

    哈工大2021秋计算机网络(Computer Network)资料(实验)

  • ashawe/CNL

    SPPU Third Year First Sem - Computer Network Lab Codes + Study Plan

  • Nirali4/Networking_Projects

    This repository will be demonstrating some network designs and solutions for LAN and WAN. The projects include concepts like Port Address Translation, IPsec VPN, Access-Lists, DHCP, and alike. Cisco Packet tracer is used as a network simulator.


    CSC503: Computer Network [CN] & CSL502: Computer Network Lab [CN Lab] <Semester V>

  • mrcaidev/computer-network-and-communication-technology

    电子科技大学 2020 级《计算机网络与通信技术》课程代码。

  • Dhanashrimachhi/College-Computer-Network

    Design College Computer Network on Cisco Packet Tracer.

  • TKONIY/dns-relay-demo


  • hvudeshi/Blockchain-based_E-Voting

    This is a Proof of Concept model of Blockchain Technology based E-Voting System. It was our Computer Networks Project at "School of Engineering and Applied Science", Ahmedabad University.

  • theodesp/practical-computer-networking

    Practical Computer Networking Book - Master the Net 🕸️

  • kongminhao/DHT_fileShare


  • Goutam1511/Socket-Programming-with-C

    Simple programs containing Socket Programming with C

  • Semester-Notes


    This repository contains a vast collection of academic notes, study materials, and resources from various semesters of Datascience course.

  • AtharvaKulkarniIT/VIT-CommSuite-socket-in-C

    Real-time, dynamic communication within VIT-CommSuite using socket programming in C .Our solution leverages multithreading to facilitate instant interactions, allowing seamless exchanges without relying on conventional chat terminology. Share text and program files in a secure, efficient environment,redefining how students and teachers communicate.

  • tinsir888/network-security-technology

    Network security technology(professional elective in the 6th semester in NKUCS) programming assignments. The course seems to be a combination with Computer network and Cryptography. Taught by Assoc. Prof. Zhang Yu..
