
There are 4 repositories under concordance-index topic.

  • neural-tangjie/NTJ-AIMed_2_Prognosis

    :octocat: This repository contains the notes, codes, assignments, quizzes and other additional materials about the course "AI for Medical Prognosis" from DeepLearning.AI Coursera.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • abdoush/SurvLossEvo

    Evolutionary search for survival analysis loss function for neural networks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • abdoush/SurvPRD

    Discovering Premature Replacements in Predictive Maintenance Time-to-Event Data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • wanying4/Computation-Analysis-of-TCGA-Cancer-Data

    This project focuses on analyzing gene expression data from TCGA cancer data to derive associations among genes as well as disease phenotypes, co-expression signatures, and survival analysis.
