There are 60 repositories under console-table topic.
A fluent library to print out a nicely formatted table in a console application C#
Interactive command-line toolkit for .Net core with powerful controls and commands to create professional console applications.
This is a Java library for drawing tabels, text interaction with user and change style and color of text on command line. and it have no dependencies.
Simple, opinionated, modern table builder
A CLI program in Node.js. The program checks weather data in command line.
A Java utility to format the rows of a table into a String for printing on the console.
WITH CLASSES. Command-line application that allows you to: Add departments, roles, employees. View departments, roles, employees. Update employee roles. Update employee managers. View employees by manager. Delete departments, roles, and employees.
Employee Tracker Using MySQL, Inquirer, Console.Table and Node.js
Application for managing a company's employee roster. Executes in Terminal via CLI. Interaction built with node, express, inquirer. Employs a MySQL relational database to hold employee information and Console.Table for table presentation.
Command-line application that allows you to: Add departments, roles, employees. View departments, roles, employees. Update employee roles. Update employee managers. View employees by manager. Delete departments, roles, and employees.
A fork of the console.table and cli_table NodeJS source code which returns strings, and works in web browsers.
Content Management System - Database solution for managing a company's employees using node, inquirer, and MySQL
PowerCommands is a create your own CLI application starter kit!
This is an employee tracker database created in the UW Coding Bootcamp. It allows users to input departments, roles, and employees, update an employee's role, and view a table of departments, roles, and employees.
Content management systems (CMS) interface that allows users to easily view and interact with information stored in databases.
A console based (Non-GUI) table creator
This is a content management system designed to keep track of a company's departments, positions, and employees. This program runs in the command line and allows users to interact with an employment database.
An Amazon-like storefront with MySQL. The CLI app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory.
Back-end application allowing users to query a SQL employee database. This project was created to practice setting up a node server and query a SQL database using MySQL.
A command line driven application that allows to manage company's employee database
This code calculates the temperature with given wind speeds and creates a table in the console
Employee management database that uses SQL to record departments, roles, managers, and salaries within a company.
Easily view, change, and then view the changes for all individuals in your workplace in this handy bird's eye built for businesses
The Employee Management System is a Command-line interface based application written in Javascript utilizing node, inquirer and mySQL on the backend to provide the user with a large array of possible functions. The mySQL database schema has a table for departments, roles, and employees that allow for the user to manipulate the data within each table in several ways.
This employee CMS is a command-line app that manages a company's employee database
Employee Tracker is a CLI (command-line interface) application to view and manage departments, roles, and employees. The application was built using Node.js with Inquirer, MySQL2 and console.table packages.
Command-line application that accepts user input (with the use of the Inquirer npm), to generate an interactive employee database in SQL. Tables utilize PRIMARY and FORIGN KEYS
Simple Employee Payroll Tracker page; Javascript practice challenge that was completed as part of an assignment for Rutgers Coding Bootcamp.
JavaScript library for displaying table in the console
BusinessWeb is a command line application that helps business owners create a database for thier business. It is intended to be used as a way to hold information about your employees, your roles and your departments.
A CMS interface that allows an employee to view and interact with the company's employee database. They are able to view and manage departments, roles, and employees in the database.
Node.js backend that exemplifies the benefits of on-demand data processing using generators over functions.
A Node.JS application that is running a server that updates MYSQL databases.
Command line application to view, add and update employees to your companies database
The set of ILogger extensions for logging object collections using the YetAnotherConsoleTables library