
There are 4 repositories under construction-industry topic.

  • padulapankaja/Procurement_Construction_Industry

    This case study deals with the difficulties faced with the procurement procedures within the construction industry due to its inherently distributed environment. It is specifically targeted at small and medium sized site works. In this case study, your teams are bidding to SLIIT Software Development unit, for the contract to develop software to provide mobile procurement systems in the construction industry.

  • Lanr3waju/dakiybuilds

    This is a Web-Based Construction Management System, built with Supabase, Next.js, TailwindCSS and DaisyUI, it includes features such as documents storage, budgetting & schedulling, daily logs, team management etc.

  • yihong1120/Web_Equipment-Rental-Website

    A robust web-based platform designed to streamline the process of renting construction equipment and finding skilled drivers in the construction industry. Features a user-friendly interface, efficient relational database management, and an automated matching system for optimal equipment and driver pairing.

  • joonv2/VisualSiteDiary

    An image captioning technique built upon a pretrained ViT model that provides human-readable captions to decipher daily progress and work activities from construction photologs
