
There are 4 repositories under containment-search topic.

  • ekzhu/lshensemble

    LSH index for approximate set containment search

  • CMU-SAFARI/Genome-on-Diet

    Genome-on-Diet is a fast and memory-frugal framework for exemplifying sparsified genomics for read mapping, containment search, and metagenomic profiling. It is much faster & more memory-efficient than minimap2 for Illumina, HiFi, and ONT reads. Described by Alser et al. (preliminary version:

  • CMU-SAFARI/MetaTrinity

    MetaTrinity is a novel metagenomic analysis tool employing efficient containment search techniques and heuristics for read mapping to achieve significant speedup while maintaining high accuracy. This positions MetaTrinity as an efficient solution, optimally balancing speed and precision in metagenomic analysis.

  • EgorBu/set_sim_search

    Highly optimized search for similar multisets
